
Manage Auth0 using Terraform, Store tfstate file in Azure Storage using GitHub Actions

Primary LanguageHCL

Auth0 Management with Terraform

  • Manage Auth0 Configuration with Terraform
  • Store Terraform state files to Azure Storage
  • Using GitHub Actions for deployment


Create an account Auth0

- Add them into secret GitHub: AUTH0_CLIENT_ID & AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET

Azure Storage

  • Create Azure Account and Storage

    # Create Resource Group
    az group create -n LearningDeployment -l koreacentral
    # Create Storage Account
    az storage account create -n terraformstorageauth0 -g LearningDeployment -l koreacentral --sku Standard_LRS
    # Create Storage Account Container
    az storage container create -n tfstatecontainer-test --account-name terraformstorageauth0 --auth-mode login
  • Create credentials

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name tfserviceprincipal

    Add them into secret GitHub

    • password ==> AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRET
    • appId ==> AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID
    • tenant ==> AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID
    • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --> subscription of resource group
  • Update $subcription_id and set role for service principal



  • Create a Machine to Machine application in Auth0

  • You'll need to authorize your new app to call the Auth0 Management API.

  • Select it in the dropdown and then authorize all scopes

  • Open the Settings tab and copy the Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret values - you'll need them in the next step for configuring the Auth0 Provider.

  • Pipeline:

    • Test: has Output
    • Stage: NOT Output


  • Terraform State File Store in Azure TFState Azure Store

  • Auth0 Single Page Application Auth0 SPA Application
