
Terminal Emulator for cucumber/godog

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⚠️ This package is deprecated, please use go.nhat.io/consolesteps instead.

Terminal Emulator for cucumber/godog

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consoledog provides a new Console for each cucumber/godog Scenario.


  • Go >= 1.16


go get github.com/nhatthm/consoledog


Initialize a consoledog.Manager with consoledog.New() then add it into the ScenarioInitializer. If you wish to add listeners to Manager.NewConsole and Manager.CloseConsole event, use consoledog.WithStarter and consoledog.WithCloser option in the constructor.

For example:

package mypackage

import (

    expect "github.com/Netflix/go-expect"

type writer struct {
    console *expect.Console

func (w *writer) registerContext(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
    ctx.Step(`write to console:`, func(s *godog.DocString) error {
        _, err := w.console.Write([]byte(s.Content))

        return err

func (w *writer) start(_ *godog.Scenario, console *expect.Console) {
    w.console = console

func (w *writer) close(_ *godog.Scenario) {
    w.console = nil

func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {

    w := &writer{}
    m := consoledog.New(t,

    suite := godog.TestSuite{
        Name: "Integration",
        ScenarioInitializer: func(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
        Options: &godog.Options{
            Strict:    true,
            Output:    out,
            Randomize: rand.Int63(),

    // Run the suite.

See more: #Examples


In case you want to resize the terminal (default is 80x100) to avoid text wrapping, for example:

        Then console output is:
        panic: could not build credentials provider option: unsupported credentials prov

Use consoledog.WithTermSize(cols, rows) while initiating with consoledog.New(), for example:

package mypackage

import (


func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    m := consoledog.New(t, consoledog.WithTermSize(100, 100))
    // ...

Then your step will become:

        Then console output is:
        panic: could not build credentials provider option: unsupported credentials provider


console output is:

Asserts the output of the console.

For example:

    Scenario: Find all transaction in range with invalid format
        When I run command "transactions -d --format invalid"

        Then console output is:
        panic: unknown output format


Full suite: https://github.com/nhatthm/consoledog/tree/master/features


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