
Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework

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Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework

Bootstrap 4.1

IMPORTANT Blazor 0.3.0 ships with Bootstrap 4.0. BlazorStrap uses Bootstrap 4.1. Replace bootstrap.min.css in wwwroot/css/bootstrap folder


NuGet Pre Release




If you want to manage your styles in code and use dynamic styles you can check out my other project: Blazorous. In the future I will show examples of mixing and matching BlazorStrap and Blazorous.

Change Log



  • Alerts
  • Badges
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Buttons (excluding Checkboxes and Radio buttons)
  • ButtonGroups
  • Cards
  • Carousals
  • Collapse
  • Dropdowns
  • Images
  • Jumbotrons
  • Figures
  • Forms - mostly done (Binding still pending)
  • Layout (Container, Row, Col)
  • Listgroups
  • Navs
  • Navbars
  • Media
  • Modals
  • Pagination
  • Popover
  • Progress
  • Tables
  • Tabs
  • Tooltip

Not Done

  • Button of type: Checkboxes and Radio buttons
  • Modal - Close by clicking the Esc key
  • Modal - Will currently "clobber" body classes
  • Events on all components that need it (Modal for example)
  • Allow for arbitrary attributes on all components
  • Animations