
Cygmin is a tool for downloading and packaging a reduced subset of the Cygwin Unix-like toolset for Windows (http://cygwin.com), suitable for software development.

Primary LanguagePython


Cygmin is a tool for downloading and packaging a reduced subset of the Cygwin Unix-like toolset for Windows (http://cygwin.com), suitable for software development. The default set of packages requires approximately 500 MB to install (compared to Gigabytes for installing all of Cygwin).

Installing Cygwin from cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd.zip

To install Cygwin from the cgymin archive:

  • Unpack the file cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd.zip to a temporary location (somewhere on your local hard drive is recommended for speed). All archive contents live below the directory cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd.
  • Run cygmin-yyyy-mm-ddsetup-x86.exe.
  • Choose "Next" on the introduction screen.
  • Choose "Install from Local Directory" for the installation type, then choose "Next".
  • The defaults are recommended on the "Choose Installation Directory" screen; choose "Next".
  • Choose the "cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd" directory extracted from the zip archive for the "Local Package Directory", then choose "Next".
  • If a "Setup Alert" indicates this is the first time for installing Cygwin 1.7.x, choose "OK" to dismiss it.
  • Click once on the word "Default" next to "All" in the package tree on the "Select Packages" screen; it should now say "All - Install". Choose "Next". (This will install everything in the cygmin archive, not all of Cygwin.)
  • If you see a "Resolving Dependencies" dialog that mentions packages selected to meet dependencies, install them as well. They should be present in the Cygmin archive, and though they've already been marked for installation, for some reason the installer wants extra confirmation.
  • When Cygwin Setup completes, the miniature distribution of Cygwin has been installed.

Downloading Cygwin using cygmin.py

To download the desired subset of Cygwin and create cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd.zip:

  • Install python 2.x (http://python.org/) as a prerequisite.

  • Change to a suitable download directory.

  • Run "python cygmin.py" from a normal Windows command prompt, or via Windows explorer, but not from within a pre-existing Cygwin installation.

  • The Cygwin setup program will launch in "quiet mode", running without the need for user input. ("Quiet mode" may be disabled via the --interactive switch.)

    Note that a default mirror is chosen for you. It's permissible to change to another mirror, but it is then your responsibility to use the same mirror each time, or to remove the cgymin-tmp directory between runs.

  • Upon completion, cygmin will create cygmin-yyyy-mm-dd.zip containing the downloaded packages and setup-x86.exe.

For more options, run "cygmin.py --help".

On future runs of cygmin.py, additional packages may be selected for download. If the cygmin-tmp directory has not been deleted, only the newly selected packages will be downloaded, but all downloaded packages will be included in the archive.

If the --package-file option de-selects a previously downloaded package, the generated archive will still contain that package until it is manually pruned from cygmin-tmp.

The following extra packages were selected when this README was generated:

  • bash-completion
  • crypt
  • ctags
  • curl
  • dos2unix
  • gcc-core
  • gcc-g++
  • gdb
  • git
  • keychain
  • libncurses-devel
  • libncursesw-devel
  • libxml2
  • make
  • makedepend
  • mercurial
  • mingw64-i686-gcc
  • mingw64-x86_64-gcc
  • nasm
  • ncurses
  • netcat
  • openssh
  • p7zip
  • patchutils
  • perl
  • python
  • rsync
  • ruby
  • socat
  • subversion
  • termcap
  • unzip
  • vim
  • wget
  • w32api
  • w32api-headers
  • w32api-runtime
  • w3m
  • xterm
  • xxd
  • zip


Version 0.7.0 (2014-11-24)

  • Added support for running on non-Windows PCs using Wine.
  • Gave up pre-Python 2.4 compatibility to support Python 3.

Version 0.6.0 (2014-11-23)

  • Added mingw64-gcc and nasm packages.

Version 0.5.0 (2014-03-12)

  • Add dos2unix.
  • Change gcc4 to gcc-core and gcc-g++ (due to package rename).
  • Prevent re-launching as administrator, as that causes setup-x86.exe to exit prematurely.

Version 0.3.0 (2012-05-16)

  • Added "p7zip" package.
  • Added "--interactive" switch for running "setup-x86.exe" interactively during download phase.
  • Added "--package" switch to allow specification of packages without a separate package file.
  • Embedded documentation for "setup-x86.exe" for reference.

Version 0.2.0 (2012-05-05)

  • Added "patchutils" package.

Version 0.1.2 (2012-04-22)

  • Initial release.