Since I don't have the time to start working again, and several things have changed in gtk3 and lxde, I won't be giving any further support to any of this. Thanks to all users, I hope to be back soon with something like this ;)
My goal is to provide an easy way to migrate from Windows 7/8 to GNU/Linux, without having a high end pc. Everything is done using the less resource-intensive software available, always trying to keep as much functionality as possible. It is meant to be used in LXDE/Openbox, so don't expect to have neither rounded corners nor exactly the same look and feel as in Windows. That's not even a secondary goal.
- LXPanel
- LXSession (>= 0.4.9)(icons, gtk theme and cursor)
- PCManFM (wallpaper)
- Compton
- Openbox
- SLiM (for login screen)
If you wanna say "Thanks" in a funny way, please donate in Doge Coins here: DCe1FfwLR33n1Smio2RJZdyTHk3TP8ZRFd