
Make easy interactive slides in Python with Dash.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Make easy interactive presentation slides in Python with Dash.

Example app at https://dash-slides-example.herokuapp.com/

This is a Dash app with built in slide navigation, logo, web title, etc. Just run python index.py in a terminal to see it work!

To use:

git clone https://github.com/russellromney/dash-slides
cd dash-slides

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

python index.py

example gif

Making your own presentation

  1. Download, clone, or fork dash-slides/.
  2. Delete the example slides and add your own slides (individual Dash apps) in slides/ as files with content and associated callbacks, with a filename like <slide_name>.py.
    • Slide names must be valid Python variable names e.g. example.py or _intro5.py but not my great slide.py or 5 people.py.
    • Each slide's layout is stored in a variable named content, e.g. content = html.Div... (similar to multipage Dash app where each page has a layout = html.Div...
    • Every slide needs from app import app at the beginning
  3. Configure the presentation in presentation.py:
    • List your slides' names in order (without the .py) in slide_order
    • e.g. slide_order = ['intro','template','last_slide','end']
  4. Store custom functions, utilities, objects, etc. in custom_utilities/ or however else you'd like.
  5. pip install dash dash-bootstrap-components
    • the navigation depends on it

Then run it like a normal Dash app with python index.py or using Gunicorn or whatever else you'd normally use with Dash or Flask.

How this would look:

# files structure

# in /slides/presentation.py
slide_order = [

More custom stuff

Logo: Replace assets/logo.png with your own file named logo.png for your logo to appear on all slides.

Favicon: Like a normal Dash app, replace assets/favicon.ico with your own favicon for an even more custom experience.

Title: Give your presentation a title by changing presentation_title.

Custom navigation text: Replace prev_text and next_text values with new words to have any navigation text you want.

Made with ❤️ by Russell Romney in Madison, WI.

Shoutout to dash_bootstrap_components, which is used to make navigation pretty