
A package to retrieve weather data from the Hong Kong Observatory.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status

A package to retrieve weather data from the Hong Kong Observatory. Data (private api endpoints) obtained through capturing the traffic of the HKO app and web, and extracting the apk file etc.

Installating required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt


Every function (request) will return a dict, whereas result and status will be the keys of the returning dict, for example:

>>> import pprint
>>> from hko import astro
>>> pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint
>>> pp(astro())
{   'result': {   'date': '20170906',
                  'moonrise': '1844',
                  'moonset': '0550',
                  'sunrise': '0607',
                  'sunset': '1836'},
    'status': 1}

See the demo for more examples

Functions List

Functions Number of Arguments Type of Argument Arguments Supported Default Arguments
astro() 0 / / /
blog() 0 / / /
earthquake() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
local_weather() 2 float, float [lat], [lng] /
lunar_date() 0 / / /
major_city_forecast() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
marine_forecast() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
rainfall_nowcast() 2 float, float [lat], [lng] /
regional_weather() 0 / / /
serval_days_weather_forecast() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
south_china_coastal_waters() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
tide() 0 / / /
uv_index() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'
weather_warning() 1 str ['UC', 'EN'] 'UC'

Status Code

Status Meaning
0 Request Invalid
1 Request Success
2 Request Valid, But Server Returns Error
3 Requested Location Not Inside Hong Kong
4 Requested Data Not Yet Available
5 Request Valid, But Fails To Communicate With Server

Coding Style

  • Following PEP 8
  • Checked by the pylint


  • unifying the time/date format (perhaps adding a timestamp field in returned dict)
  • major_city_forecast() --> accept place as an argument
  • support more functions


We welcome any contributions which fulfilled the coding style