
Yii2 File storage and upload kit

Primary LanguagePHP

This kit is designed to automate routine processes of uploading files, their saving and storage. It includes:

  • File upload widget (based on Blueimp File Upload)
  • Component for storing files (built on top of flysystem)
  • Actions to download, delete, and view (download) files
  • Behavior for saving files in the model and delete files when you delete a model

File Storage

To work with the File Kit you need to configure FileStorage first. This component is a layer of abstraction over the filesystem

  • Its main task to take on the generation of a unique name for each file and trigger corresponding events.
    'class' => 'trntv\filekit\Storage',
    'baseUrl' => '@web/uploads'
    'filesystem'=> ...
        // OR
    'filesystemComponent' => ...    

There are several ways to configure Storage to work with flysystem.

  1. Create a builder class that implements trntv\filekit\filesystem\FilesystemBuilderInterface and implement method build which returns filesystem object Example:
namespace app\components;

use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as Adapter;
use trntv\filekit\filesystem\FilesystemBuilderInterface;

class LocalFlysystemBuilder implements FilesystemBuilderInterface
    public $path;

    public function build()
        $adapter = new Local(\Yii::getAlias($this->path));
        return new Filesystem($adapter);


    'filesystem'=> [
        'class' => 'app\components\FilesystemBuilder',
        'foo' => 'bar'

Read more about flysystem at http://flysystem.thephpleague.com/

Then you can use it like this:

$file = UploadedFile::getInstanceByName('file');
Yii::$app->fileStorage->save($file); // method will return new path inside filesystem
$files = UploadedFile::getInstancesByName('files');
  1. Use third-party extensions, creocoder/yii2-flysystem for example, and provide a name of the filesystem component in filesystemComponent Configuration:
'fs' => [
    'class' => 'creocoder\flysystem\LocalFilesystem',
    'path' => '@webroot/files'
    'filesystemComponent'=> 'fs'


File Kit contains several Actions to work with uploads.

Upload Action

Designed to save the file uploaded by the widget

public function actions(){
    return [
               'validationRules' => [
               'on afterSave' => function($event) {
                    /* @var $file \League\Flysystem\File */
                    $file = $event->file
                    // do something (resize, add watermark etc)

See additional settings in the corresponding class

Delete Action

public function actions(){
    return [

See additional settings in the corresponding class

View (Donwload) Action

public function actions(){
    return [

See additional settings in the corresponding class

Upload Widget

Standalone usage

echo \trntv\filekit\widget\Upload::widget([
    'maxFileSize'=>10 * 1024 * 1024, 
    'maxNumberOfFiles'=>3 // default 1

With ActiveForm

echo $form->field($model, 'files')->widget(
        'maxFileSize'=>10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MiB
        'maxNumberOfFiles'=>3 // default 1


This behavior is designed to save uploaded files in the corresponding relation.

 public function behaviors()
     return [
          'file' => [
              'class' => 'trntv\filekit\behaviors\FilesBehavior',
              'multiple' => true,
              'attribute' => 'files',
              'filesRelation' => 'uploadedFiles',

See additional settings in the corresponding class.