
Open Science in Museums - Strategy of the "Naturhistorisches Museum Wien"

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Open Science in Museums - Strategy of the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHMW):
The benefits of openness

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2022-04-27 1.0 Online .pdf


In this repository the NHMW develops its strategy in which areas the museum already contributes and can contribute to implement Open Science in its processes and products, which resources are necessary, and which already have been aquired, mainly in the form of third party funded projects.

The key contribution is linked to its global responsibility regarding the collections. Objects from various disciplines from all over the world are hosted in the museum. Not only their conservation and their exploration/research ( „Beforschung") belongs to the duties of the NHMW but also increasing their accessibility for research and education. The digital transformation not only requires new standards, workflows, and skills but also offers opportunities to link the collection with data from areas far beyond the museum, being it Earth observation, health, or nature based solutions.

Some of these changes can be managed internally or with the support of projects. For a sustainable transition, additional resources are necessary as the basis of the NHMW are still the physical objects in the collections which have to be maintained in a responsible manner for the next centuries - in any case longer than the lifespan of a hard disk.

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