
Another minimal web browser with vim-like bindings, but in Python in this time

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Another minimal web browser with vim-like bindings, but in Python in this time

Roland aims to be modular yet complete, with a small code base. It currently comes in at ~3000 lines of code, yet provides...

  • UI is fast. None of the latency from Vimperator here.
  • configuration via Python (see example_config.py)
  • configurable popup blocker
  • download manager
  • history
  • cookie management
  • link-follow support

Roland tries to provide as little UI as possible, because that way there's less reason to use the mouse. It uses libnotify for notifications (e.g. errors, download progress) and an entry field for all other input. Roland aims to have NO popup windows of any kind, nothing that is not controllable via the keyboard. If you find one, it's a bug.


Configuration goes at ~/.config/roland/config.py. See example_config.py for my config.


BSD license, 3-clause.