Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, a quarantine camp has been set up to isolate and monitor people under investigation for 21 days. Those people admitted to the quarantine camp are called “patient”. The camp stores patient information including unique number, full name, identity number, phone, gender, and address. In addition, it wants to record the patient comorbidities (e.g., cancer, chronic lung diseases, diabetes, heart conditions, immunocompromised state) because they will put a 4 patient in a high-risk situation. In parallel, a patient needs to be tracked with his or her symptoms such as fever, dry cough, tiredness, aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes. Some of them may be serious like difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, and loss of speech or movement. Unlike comorbidity, a patient symptom is different from time to time. The camp has different types of people: managers, doctors, nurses, staffs, and volunteers. One doctor will be designated as the head of the camp. Each has its own responsibility. Besides, the camp has several buildings, each has many floors and rooms. Each room has a limited capacity. There are three types of room: normal room, emergency room, and recuperation room. When admitted by a staff, a patient is assigned into a room based on his or her current condition. Sometimes, a patient is moved from his or her room to the emergency room or the recuperation room. So, it is important to track a patient location history. The camp needs to know the admission date, from where the patient is moved to the camp, the staff information, and the testing information if any. A staff may admit many patients, and a patient is admitted by a staff. The testing information includes those as described below: • PCR test: the result is true (positive) or false (negative). In case it is positive, the camp wants to track the corresponding cycle threshold (ct) value. • Quick test: the result is true (positive) or false (negative). In case it is positive, the camp wants to track the corresponding cycle threshold (ct) value. • SPO2: which is the percent saturation of oxygen in the blood. The test measures blood oxygen levels, indicated by percentage (%). • Respiratory rate: it is measured by how many breaths per minute. A patient may have many testing during his or her stay. If the SPO2 is smaller than 96% and the respiratory rate is larger than 20 breaths per minute, the patient is marked “warning” and needs a healthcare action from the doctors. In case the patient has no clinical sign and the test is either negative or positive whose cycle threshold is larger than 30, he or she will be discharged from the camp. Neither of them, the patient will be tested for every 3 days by Quick test. It is important to track the discharge date for each patient. 5 A patient can receive treatment from at least one doctor. A doctor can treat many patients at the same time, or sometimes, he has no patients to treat. The camp needs the details of each treatment such as: treatment period (start date and end date), result, and medications. Each patient is taken care of by a nurse; a nurse can take care of many inpatients at the same time. The information of a medication is also stored in the database. This information consists of a unique code, name of the medication, effects, price, and expiration date.


  1. Design a fully labelled (E)ERD according to your business description. The diagram has to show appropriate entities (with key attributes underlined), relationships, cardinality ratios, and optional & mandatory membership classes (3 points).
  2. Mapping your (E)ER diagram above to a relational database schema and identify all constraints not shown in your (E)ER diagram (1 point).
  3. Build an application with the following requirements (6 points):
  • Programming environment: optional (desktop, web, or mobile application).
  • Programming language: optional.
  • Students need to prepare data and scripts for demonstration at the reporting session.

    Quarantine Camp Database

    1. Search patient information: Search results include the name, phone number and information about his/her comorbidities (1 point).
    2. Add information for a new patient (1 point).
    3. List details of all testing which belong to a patient (1 point).
    4. Make a report that provides full information about the patient including demographic information, comorbidities, symptoms, testing, and treatment (1 point).
    5. Proving one use-case of indexing efficiency in your scenarios (1 point)
    6. Solving one use-case of database security in your scenarios (1 point)