Key Features • How To Use • Validation • Credits • Authors • License
- Create a Todo list containing:
- Title
- Creation date
- List of tasks
- Custom background color
- Custom font color
- Add Todo list to collection
- Removing existing Todo list
- Local persistent storage of Todo list collection
- Run online live version.
- Clone and run this application. You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd todo-manager
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start
- View React component documentation
# Run the documentation
$ npm run styleguidist server
Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use node
from the command prompt.
This software uses the following open source packages:
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux.js - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.
- Redux-Toolkit.js - The official toolset for efficient Redux development.
- React-router-dom - React-router dom binding.
- Node.js - An asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime.
- Dart Sass - Css preprocessor.
- React-colorful - Tiny color picker component for React.
- React Bootsrap icons - Free svg icons personal use.
- Bootstrap - Css framework.
- icon-icons - Free icons for personal and commercial use.
- Moment.js - A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.
- Uuid - RFC4122 UUIDs creation.
- React-styleguidist.js - React component live documentation.
Creole Food is an open source software licensed as GNU General Public License v3.0.