- 5
customClaims provide option for default value
#610 opened by xmlking - 3
Outlook SMTP support
#612 opened by ooppsss60 - 4
Generic openid connect configuration
#475 opened by wayneconnolly - 5
- 4
- 2
implement endpoint to signin/signup users that can be called from external services
#547 opened by dbarrosop - 8
Reworking user roles grant and admin
#491 opened by fungilation - 1
- 0
Bot Protection: nhost.auth.signUp don't allow passing headers like: x-cf-turnstile-response headers
#603 opened by xmlking - 9
Feature: Sign In with WebAuthn without email
#559 opened by xmlking - 5
- 7
Error: "Your requested role is not in allowed roles"
#536 opened by mmmoli - 0
Return meaningful error messages when elevatedPrivileges is required and no SecurityKey is setup
#602 opened by xmlking - 5
Magic Link Login without automatic user creation
#523 opened by kelkes - 2
allow changing unauthorized-role flag
#597 opened by xmlking - 3
Passwordless signin sends a wrong email template
#598 opened by wildsurfer - 2
- 0
feat: change reset password ticket
#593 opened by dbarrosop - 3
- 3
- 5
feat: using MFA code without QRCODE
#589 opened by rdhox - 4
- 0
User has phoneNumber as a required field even though not all users will have a phone number
#542 opened by spakanati - 1
feat: Securing a preview deployments
#584 opened by xmlking - 2
hasura v3
#566 opened by andrewklau - 1
migrate sms related endpoints
#514 opened by dbarrosop - 0
add elevated claim when signing up/in
#567 opened by dbarrosop - 1
SMTP method not applied from nhost.toml
#558 opened by xmlking - 1
docker-compose-example.yaml missing
#564 opened by assist726 - 0
documentation mentions deprecated Hasura Backend Plus
#563 opened by srghma - 2
- 4
Custom handling of google, facebook authentication
#532 opened by euvarov - 1 give 502/502 errors
#533 opened by igor-adzz - 3
ever growing provider_requests table in auth schema
#455 opened by saibs - 11
Doesn't work with react-native?
#526 opened by etodanik - 3
- 3
custom claims not working with JSONata array syntax
#434 opened by xmlking - 1
- 1
Organization id not being forwarded to WorkOS
#502 opened by mortenhillbom - 0
migrate /token endpoint
#469 opened by dbarrosop - 0
make sure the ci doesn't push a new image to docker hub on every merge to main
#450 opened by onehassan - 3
implement authentication across all subdomains
#456 opened by xmlking - 3
When upgrading hasura-auth to 0.24.0 from 0.20.2, AUTH_SERVER_URL has no effect resulting in redirect_uri_mismatch for google auth
#452 opened by ammarfaris - 4
[Guidance] How do I self-host hasura-auth and hasura-storage on my server but connect to Hasura Cloud?
#448 opened by ammarfaris - 1
How to add user device when login
#447 opened by chanthavong - 3
#437 opened by dbarrosop - 1
- 0
add prefix option to hasura-auth
#429 opened by dbarrosop - 1
nhost useChangeEmail hook error
#422 opened by yadudev - 2
i use react nhost hook function useChangeEmail. in some cases it returns an error THE REQUEST PAYLOAD IS INCORRECT. in which case it occurs ?
#421 opened by yadudev