- 1
HttpOnly Cookies auth flow is flawed.
#79 opened by migsar - 0
Database backups
#89 opened by nunopato - 1
onAuthStateChanged Callback parameter
#88 opened by joshua1 - 0
#87 opened by joshua1 - 2
API Response object
#86 opened by joshua1 - 0
- 5
Refresh lock seems to not work
#66 opened by RubenVanEldik - 11
JWT Refresh across multiple tabs
#65 opened by alaister - 5
change password endpoint response
#71 opened by cezarneaga - 3
Question: Handling errors in response
#78 opened by mrcasablr - 1
Setting a timer for a long period of time
#80 opened by mustafa-hanif - 2
- 0
Improve robustness of expired token handling
#72 opened by Svarto - 0
module has no exported defaults
#70 opened by plmercereau - 0
Add CI
#69 opened by komninoschatzipapas - 0
Are source maps being generated correctly?
#67 opened by sweeetland - 5
Error when importing nhost-js-sdk in react-native
#38 opened by ewal - 9
Cookie is not allowed
#49 opened by joshhopkins - 0
[FEATURE REQUEST] User Role helper
#64 opened by go4cas - 4
- 11
Use promises for isAuthenticated()
#52 opened by MarcelloTheArcane - 0
- 2
Call refreshToken when JWTExpired error
#54 opened by RubenVanEldik - 2
Only do sync logout if localStorage is present
#9 opened by elitan - 1
Documentation on response data
#12 opened by commandodev - 1
#29 opened by go4cas - 2
- 0
putString method returns sample image.
#55 opened by Petlas88 - 0
use camelCase instead of snake_case
#30 opened by elitan - 3
Use 100% js implementation of Blob
#35 opened by elitan - 0
Better error message from v2 to v3
#48 opened by elitan - 1
- 2
[question] query user info after login?
#46 opened by beebase - 1
remove local `refresh_token` on 401
#32 opened by elitan - 2
errors apollo-client: "no such type 'uuid'" apollo-link: "no subscriptions exist"
#43 opened by beebase - 3
- 1
Set SSR automatically
#34 opened by elitan - 2
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 5
onAuthStateChanged can be mistakenly overriden
#5 opened by vgrafe - 1
- 1
Upgrade error message legibility
#17 opened by Svarto - 9
Storage put undefined error when passing in file
#15 opened by Svarto - 14
- 0
- 1
GitHub and other providers example
#11 opened by analytically - 3