A list of game development resources
- Construct 2
- GameSalad
- Multimedia Fusion 2
- Game Maker
- Project Anarchy
- RPG Playground
- Hexels
- Source SDK
- Valve Software
- Microsoft XNA
- Adobe Gaming
- Unity
- Adobe CC
- Google Sketchup
- Corona SDK
- Autodesk Gameware
- Blender
- Sublime Text 3
- Stencyl
- RPG Maker
- Tiled Map Editor
- Spriter
- Pixi.js
- Flashpunk
- Turbulenz
- Haxe
- FIFE Engine
- Impact.js
- Create.js
- Phaser
- Three.js
- PlayCanvas
- NodeBox
- Kivy
- CocoonJS
- LycheeJS
- cocos2d-html5
- melonJS
- Quintus
- Wade
- Crafty
- LimeJS
- Enchant.js
- Isogenetic Game Engine
- FrozenJS
- Game Closure DevKit
- Voxel.js
- PyGame
- Pyglet
- Grease
- Mirra
- Panda 3D
- Soya 3D
- Horde3d
- Delta 3D
- Planar
- PhysicsJS
- StageXL for Dart
- Flixel-gdx
- PuzzleScript
- Channel 9
- Flash Daily
- Game From Scratch
- AS3 Game Tutorials
- The Cherno Project
- GameDev Academy
- Unity Cookie
- Gamer To Game Developer
- Learn Unity 2D
- DirectX Tutorials
- MakeGamesWithUs
- ETeeski Tutorials
- Sprite Kit
- MIT Game Design Class
- Game Mechanic Explorer
- Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Beginning Game Programming with C#
- Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative
- Social Psychology
- Fundamentals of Music Theory
- Introduction to Digital Sound Design
- Songwriting
- Interactive Computer Graphics
- Algorithmic Thinking
- An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python
- Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems
- Programming for Everybody (Python)
- Video Games and Learning
- Automata
- Game Theory II: Advanced Applications
- General Game Playing
- Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing
- Gamification
- Games without Chance: Combinatorial Game Theory
- Live!: A History of Art for Artists, Animators and Gamers
- Introduction to Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists
- Intro to Java Programming
- HTML5 Game Development
- Interactive 3D Graphics
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence
- The Noun Project
- Game Icons
- Open Game Art
- Sprites
- CG Textures
- Mayang's Free Textures
- Blend Swap
- Icons for RPG
- Assemblee Competition
- Arcade Font Engine
- The Spriters Resource
- WPClipart
- Sprite Database
- Sprite Lib
- FB Games Developer Center
- Cocos2d
- Gameobjects
- DevDocs
- Program Arcade Games with Pyton an PyGame
- Vertex
- Essential Math for Games Programmers
- Game Programming Patterns
- Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming
- Amit’s Game Programming Information
- Big list of free programming books
- GD Magazine Archive
- Procedural Content Generation in Games