
This is a containerized version of the onlinequestions.org utility, authored by Thorsten Thormählen

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Online Questions

This is an adaptation of the onlinequestions.org website, originally authored by Thorsten Thormählen. I claim no ownership of his work. The app he wrote suited my needs for a project and so I'm paying it forward by sharing my enhancements under the same license that Professor Thormählen originally used.

Building the Linux Container Image

I use podman to build this app, with the following command:

podman build --tag <TAG> --format docker .

I use the docker manifest format to comply with my container hosting company's requirements. You may be able to omit that flag depending on your intended production environment.

Running the app from a container

You can run this app without persistent storage just by issuing a basic run command:

podman run -d -P --name onlinequestions <IMAGE_NAME:TAG>

However, you will lose state when the container stops. If you want to preserve the different question-gathering sessions, you need to mount persistent storage that points to /var/www/html/events within the container. On a personal workstation, you can use a bind mount for this:

podman run -d -P --name onlinequestions --mount=type=bind,src=<PATH_TO_HOST_DIR>,dst=/var/www/html/events,U=true <IMAGE_NAME:TAG>

Vendored components

The jquery-ui folder and all of its contents are vendored from jqueryui.com along with a legacy version of jQuery itself. The fonts folder contains several versions of IBM Plex Sans from Google Fonts. The Dockerfile in this project specifies a particular version of the official PHP + Apache container that works with this code.

Security disclaimer

The project's author makes no statements about the security of the original application, and I'm not making any statements about the security of this containerized version.

  • Anyone who correctly guesses an event ID will be able to view all of the questions and question rankings for that event.
  • The event administration UI is only as secure as the strength of the password that is assigned by the event administrator.
  • Any known vulnerabilites in the PHP + Apache container, legacy jQuery library, or legacy jQuery-UI library used by this application are security risks for this application.