
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Todo List App

This simple app allows me to organize Todo-Tasks by subject and project.


This client app requires a simple remote Kv-RPC Service.
See: https://github.com/nhrones/kv-ws-rpc
In DEV mode,(running from localhost), a local DenoKv-db will
be used. You'll need to run a local copy of the above service.

For production, simply copy this repo and the above service repo.
I like to run this client from Github.IO.
I Deploy the ServeKv to Deno Deploy.
You'll also need to change the KV_URL constant
in './src/context.ts`, to your own deploy url.

Client UI

I've used a simple selectBox to select a project.
Once selected, all tasks for that project are listed.
Clicking on a task, allows you to edit the text in a multi-line TextArea element.

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To add a task, just type in the textInput and press enter.
To edit a task, just click on it.
An editable multiline TextArea will allow in place edits.
All edits are auto-saved on 'blur'.

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Each task has a completed checkBox.
The Remove Completed button on the bottom-right will delete any checked tasks.

Todo Topics

The dropdown box shows all current option groups and todo topics.
These are configurable by the user; see below.
The image above shows the DWM-ReactiveUI topic selected with it's current task list.

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Configurable Topics

Note, the Topic-Select-List is configurable directly in the app. Just select Todo App Topics in the drop-down, then click on a topic-set to edit it.
As you'll see this list is what populates the select-dropdown You can add or modify these values. The format is as follows:

Text on the top-line will be a _select-option_ ( a grouping )  
Each line below represent a _topic, key_ pair;  TopicName, KeyName.
The spacing/formatting is not defined, but the comma is required.
Note that the key is used in the db to organize tasks by topic.

Any changes will show only after a restart or tab refresh.

Be careful here.

Any key change may cause orphaned db-tasks. I recommend doing a backup prior to editing the topics list.

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Kv service

This version uses DenoKv in a very simple Deploy Kv-service. You'll find the server repo at: https://github.com/nhrones/ServeKv


The backup and restore buttons allow backing up the data to a json file.
I like to do daily backups to keep a historical record.
(you can restore any backup, any time!).
You could use the backups as an organization feature; work - personal? On first start, the kvDb will be empty.
You can use the apps restore button to restore the default tasks list from './backups/default.json`.

Deno Desktop App

I started this project as a DWM-ReactiveUI app.
I liked the look-and-feel of my Deno-Desktop version so much, that I spent time creating this HTML version.
Building this HTML version was very difficult for me as I have limited CSS experience.

Have Fun! Make a copy and clean up my clumsy code.