Site serving the CIP Night Applications Prototype.
Clone the project using git:
git clone
git clone
Once the project is cloned, run the following command to download and install node dependencies:
npm install
npm install gulp
If there are issues downloading dependencies, you may need to add the nhsbsa npm repository. To do this:
- Create the file ~/.npmrc
- Add the following configuration:
Install the live reload plugin for your browser
To run the prototype locally, use:
npm run watch
The prototype will then open a window in your browser on http://localhost:3000.
Browser sync settings can be accessed on http://localhost:3001.
install pa11y-ci using npm:
npm install -g pa11y-ci
then set up a json file with the name pa11y.json, with the below contents.
"defaults": {
"standard": "WCAG2AA",
"timeout": 10000,
"viewport": {
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000
"urls": [
These contents can be changed, such as the viewport width and height. You can also add all of your pages in the urls section. Then run the following command in your terminal to activate pa11y.
pa11y-ci -c pa11y.json
For more information please visit pa11y
It is possible for this prototype to be viewed on Heroku. Please contact Matt Proctor-Leake with queries relating to this.
Pull in the latest version of main locally using
git pull origin main
Create a local branch using your initials followed by /. The describe the change, using the Jira ticket number if you have it.
For example, mpl/MM-700-discontinuation-journey
Make your changes locally and then push up to Github using your IDE commit tab, or using the following commands in your terminal:
git add .
git commit -m "change comments go here"
git push origin local-branch-name
Once pushed, there should be a highlight at the top of the repo asking to 'compare and pull request'. Select this button. |
Then you need to add a reviewer and create the pull request |