

Welcome to the new, new NHS Hack Day website. This is a rebuild of the older Jekyll site that was last refreshed in ?January 2016. There is little that has changed from a design perspective (there has been a metaphorical "lick of paint" for more consistent styling, better responsive / mobile design and some changes to how projects are displayed) but the underlying structure, templates and CSS have undergone a complete rebuild.

This README is broken into a few sections for ease of use:

Day-to-day Tasks

Adding an Event

Events are stored in the content/_events directory with a file naming convention as follows: YYYY-MM-DD-city.md The site responds dynamically (when it is built) to the dates used automatically listing an event as upcoming or past, for upcoming events without a set date see below on how to use date_end. To hide an event from the upcoming section on the homepage set hide_upcoming to true.

New event files should contain at a minimum the following YAML Front Matter with appropriate substitutions:

venue: Venue Location       # Venue location displayed as: <Venue>, <City>
city: City                  # City of Hack Day
organiser:                  # List of organisers
  - An Organiser
date: 2018-01-27            # Start date of Event should be same a file prefix formated as `YYYY-MM-DD`
date_end: 2018-01-28        # End date of Event formated as `YYYY-MM-DD` OR describing timeframe e.g `Spring 2018`
hackday: 00-location        # Unique slug for event in form of hackday-location

redirect_from:              # List of alternative urls always caontains `/projects/<hackday>`
  - /projects/00-location/

tickets: http://tickets.com/event       # Link to event managment site, used for `Sign Up` link
pitches: http://forms.com/form          # Destination for the `short-link` at `/pitch`
presentations: http://forms.com/form    # Destination for the `short-link` at `/present`

hide_upcoming: true        # If set hides event from the upcoming list on homepage

Keys should be fairly self explanatory, see previous events for worked examples or the detailed documentation below for other options and values that can be set.

Adding a Sponsor to an Event

Sponsor are in separate files in the content/_sponsors directory, if the sponsor has previously supported an event locate the appropriate file (e.g. content/_sponsors/open_health_care_uk.md) and edit to add the event and sponsorship value, otherwise create a new file named appropriately containing the following YAML Front Matter with appropriate substitutions:

title: A Sponsor             # Sponsor Name
link: http://website.com     # Sponsor URL
logo: asponsor_logo.png      # Sponsor Logo stored in `/assets/images/sponsors/<logo>`

# Events sponsored denoted by `<hackday>` and sponsorship amount/resource
  01-london: "£100, Venue"

See the content/_sponsors/_template.md or existing sponsors for worked examples or the detailed documentation below.

Adding a Project to an Event

Projects are in individual files in the content/_projects directory in the subdirectory for the specific event (named using the <hackday> slug) e.g. content/_projects/01-london/mobile_formulary.md

Create the appropriate subdirectory if it doesn't exist, and then create a separate file for each project with the following YAML Front Matter with appropriate substitutions:

NB. There are various scripts and scrappers that can be used to automatically generate these file from spreadsheets or the older formats used in previous versions of the NHS Hack Day website

hackday: 00-location            # <hackday> slug for event project was presented at
title: Project Name             # Project Name
summary: Short Summary          # Short summary ideally ~50 words
thumbnail:                      # Thumbnail image stored in `/assets/images/projects/<hackday>/<thumbnail>`
header_image:                   # Header image stored in `/assets/images/projects/<hackday>/<header_image>`
image_credit: []                # Image credit remove [] if using and uncomment following lines
#- Credit:
#   URL:
#   Licence:
team:                           # List of (preferably) twitter handles but can include plain-text names
  - "@nhshackday"
email:                          # Email to list on project page for contact
  presentation:                 # Link to presentation used on day 2
  website:                      # Link to live project demo/app/appstore link/etc.
  code:                         # List of links to project source code e.g GitHub
    - https://github.com/
licence:                        # Licence code/project is released under e.g MIT, GPL etc.
about: "Longer description"     # Longer description 150-200 words can contain Kramdown/Markdown
featured: false                 # If project is featured

See the content/_projects/_template.md or existing projects for worked examples or the detailed documentation below.

Adding a Blog Post

Blog Posts are stored in the content/_blog directory with a file naming convention as follows: YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.md The first 50 words of each post are displayed on the the index page along-side the title and subtitle set in the YAML Front Matter, at a minimum each file should contain the following:

title: Title of the Post        # Title of Blog Post
subtitle: Subtitle (optional)   # SubTitle of Blog Post (optinal)
date: 2017-11-15                # Date of Post in format: `YYYY-MM-DD`
authors:                        # List of authors and link (usualy to Tiwtter)
  - name: Author Name
    url : https://twitter.com/handle
header_image: post-2-banner.jpg # Header image stored in `/assets/images/headers/<header_image>`
image_credit: []                # Image credit remove [] if using and uncomment following lines
#- Credit:
#   URL:
#   Licence:

See existing posts for worked examples or the detailed documentation below.

Adding a short-link

There are some "magic" short links that use information from upcoming events to dynamically change their destination these are: /pitch and /present which are set using the Front Matter in each event see above.

There are also some "static" short links to useful things, these links are stored in links directory as separate files containing the following YAML Front Matter:

layout: link                # Must be set as `link`
permalink: /short           # The short link n.b. be careful not to use the name of an existing page
redirect_to: "http://redirect-to-here.com/" # The location to redirect to

Basic Kramdown and Internal Links

The majority of page on the site are written in Kramdown (templates a specific pages are written in HTML). Kramdown is a superset of Markdown which is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. For a basic guide see the GitHub Guide.

In-order to aid maintainability and prevent broken links is is important to use the following Jekyll syntax when linking internally e.g to a blog post:

{% raw %}

[Top 10 tips for awesome pitches]({% link _blog/2017-11-15-10-tips-for-awesome-pitches.md %})

Note that rather than using the URL of the page instead the following is used {% link path/to/file.md %} to link to the file.

{% endraw %}

Detailed Documentation

Featured Projects

Customising upcoming and current event info


Editing the Menu


Editing Pages

Available Templates

Front Matter Keys and Options


{{ "/assets/style.css" | relative_url }}

Key Values
venue Venue for event. This is displayed alongside the city e.g Hadyn Ellis Building in Cathays, Cardiff
city City the event is held in
organiser List of event organisers
date Start date of event, in the form YYYY-MM-DD
date_end End date of event, in the form YYYY-MM-DD OR String placeholder value used to describe timeframe of upcoming events e.g Spring 2018
hackday Unique slug for each event in the form of: hackday-city this is used across the site to link projects and sponsor to events. E.g the next event after the example above would be: 20-city
redirect_from List should always contain an entry in the form: /projects/<hackday> This is used to set-up redirects for legacy permalinks and project root directory for each event
tickets Link to event management site, when present "Sign Up" button on upcoming events will be enabled and link to this address
pitches Link to pitch sign-up form, when present is used a re-direct destination for the short-link at /pitch see below for details
presentations Link to presentation sign-up form, when present is used a re-direct destination for the short-link at /present see below for details

Technical Details

How to contribute changes

The preferred method of contributing is to submit a Pull Request, the easiest way to do this is to Fork the nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io repository make changes to your repository and then submit a Pull Request.

  1. Fork the nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io.git
  2. Clone and set-up the repository (see below)
  3. Make changes (see rest of this README)
  4. git commit your changes to a new branch (e.g git branch new-stuff)
  5. git push your changes back to GitHub
  6. Create a Pull Request

Remember if you previously cloned the nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io repository you should sync (e.g git fetch upstream) your fork before making changes to avoid conflicts and ensure you are working on the most up-to-date version.

How to set-up and run locally

Ensure you have a reasonably up-to-date (>2.1.0) version of Ruby installed using your preferred package manager for your chosen operating system. For more info on using Jekyll (GitHub Pages variety) locally see: https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll/

# Substitute with the address of your fork if needed
git clone https://github.com/nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io.git
cd nhshackday.github.io.git

# To set-up after initial clone
gem install bundler
bundle install

# To enable `jekyll-compress-images` plugin set:

# To lanuch local development server
bundle exec jekyll serve

How to use Docker and/or Docker Compose to run locally

If you want to avoid installing Ruby and managing dependencies with bundle you can instead use Docker to build an image from the Dockerfile in this repository to run GitHub Pages Jekyll locally.

Ensure you have Docker (and optionally Docker Compose) installed then:

# Substitute with the address of your fork if needed
git clone https://github.com/nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io.git
cd nhshackday.github.io.git

# Run Docker Compose
docker-compose up

Or you can manually build and run the docker image if you want more control:

# Clone and/or change into the directory containing this repository as above
cd nhshackday.github.io.git

# Build docker image
docker build -t nhshd-gh-pages .

# Run Jekyll in the docker image (on unix)
docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v `pwd`:/src/nhshackday.github.io nhshd-gh-pages

# Run Jekyll in the docker image (on Windows in cmd.exe)
docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 -v %CD%:/src/nhshackday.github.io nhshd-gh-pages

# Explained: Run interactively and automatically remove the container when it exits
docker run --rm -it
    # Map port 4004 on the host to 4000 on the container
    -p 4004:4000
    # Map the fully specified path <nhshd-dir> to /src/nhshackday.github.io in the image
    -v `pwd`:/src/nhshackday.github.io
    # Run the `nhshd-gh-pages` iamge

GitHub Actions (automatic staging of Pull Requests)

Note: automatic deployment only works if you have write permissions on the nhshackday/nhshackday.github.io repository and create Pull Requests from branches on the repository. This is due to the way security restrictions on GitHub Actions works.

To aid the usability of the Jekyll site and replacing the broken original Travis CI implementation GitHub Actions are used to create and deploy automatic staging builds to surge.sh. The original Travis CI implementation was inspired by and adapted from these blogs.

The magic happens in .github\workflows\staging-build.yml for this to work the following Environment Variables need to be created for the repository under Settings > Secrets > Actions:

  • SURGE_LOGIN set this to the email address of the surge.sh account to be used.
  • SURGE_TOKEN set this to the token issued by surge token for the account set in SURGE_LOGIN.

Testing on newNHSHackdaySite.github.io

This is has been superseded by the automatic deployment of Pull Requests to surge.sh using GitHub Actions see above

git checkout -b TEMP_BRANCH_NAME_TO_HOLD_THIS_PR master
git pull https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME/nhshackday.github.io.git BRANCH_NAME_IN_THE_PR
git remote add staging git@github.com:newNHSHackdaySite/newNHSHackdaySite.github.io
git commit -a -m "Kill CNAME for staging"