
DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained

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DEPRECATED - no longer actively maintained

Pharmacy Service Data ETL

ETL to retrieve service information for a pharmacy

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Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/nhsuk/pharmacy-service-data-etl.git and review the scripts to get up and running.


The application uses Docker to run in containers. Development is typically done on the host machine. Files are loaded into the container and changes are automatically updated.

Use the test script for continuous testing during development.

Run process

In order for the process to access the syndication feed an API key is required. Details of registration are available on NHS Choices. The application needs the API key available within the environment as the variable SYNDICATION_API_KEY.

The output is uploaded to Azure Blob Storage, a suitable connection string should be set in the AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING variable. For further details see Azure Blob Storage.

The ETL calls the all end point and refreshes all data when run.

Once the initial scan is complete, failed records will be revisited. IDs for records still failing after the second attempt are listed in a csat-nhs-data-summary.json* file.

Running scripts/start will bring up a docker container and initiate the scrape at a scheduled time, GMT. The default is 11pm. The time of the scrape can be overridden by setting the environment variable ETL_SCHEDULE. e.g. export ETL_SCHEDULE='25 15 * * *' will start the processing at 3:25pm. Note: the container time is GMT and does not take account of daylight saving, you may need to subtract an hour from the time if it is currently BST.

During local development it is useful to run the scrape at any time. This is possible by running node app.js (with the appropriate env vars set).

Further details on node-schedule available here

A successful scrape will result in the file csat-nhs-data.json* being written to the output folder and to the Azure Blob Storage location specified in the environmental variables.

The files uploaded to Azure Blob Storage are:

  • csat-nhs-data-summary-YYYYMMDD-VERSION.json*

  • csat-nhs-data-YYYYMMDD-VERSION.json*

  • csat-nhs-data.json*

where YYYYMMDD is the current year, month and date, and VERSION is the current major version of the ETL as defined in the package.json.

Development Notes

The ETL may be configured to collect data from any pharmacy service end point in Syndication, i.e. SRV0267, SRV0531. The details above describe the operation when configured to retrieve SRV0267 (NHS Chlamydia screening and treatment) data.

The provided docker-compose.yml runs two containers, one for each possible ETL as described below. The output files have been set to dev-csat-nhs-data and dev-csat-non-nhs-data respectively.

This ensures that during development the output files will all include a dev- prefix so as not overwrite the production files in Azure.

Structure of JSON Data

The output JSON will be an array of objects in the format shown in the Sample Service Data file. The id field is the Syndication ID of the record, and the serviceType is the Service type in Syndication, i.e. SRV0267.

Test environments

As the application is being developed, every Pull Request has its own test environment automatically built and deployed to.

Environment variables

Environment variables are expected to be managed by the environment in which the application is being run. This is best practice as described by twelve-factor.

In order to protect the application from starting up without the required env vars in place require-environment-variables is used to check for the env vars that are required for the application to run successfully. This happens during the application start-up. If a required env var is not found the application will fail to start and an appropriate message will be displayed.

Environment variables are used to set application level settings for each environment.

Variable Description Default Required
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING Azure storage connection string yes
CONTAINER_NAME Azure storage container name etl-output
DISABLE_SCHEDULER Set to 'true' to disable the scheduler false
ETL_NAME ETL name for logging purposes yes
ETL_SCHEDULE Time of day to run the upgrade. Syntax 0 23 * * * (11:00 pm)
LOG_LEVEL log level Depends on NODE_ENV
NODE_ENV Node environment development
OUTPUT_FILE Filename saved to azure yes
SYNDICATION_API_KEY API key to access syndication yes
SYNDICATION_URL URL to Syndication API http://v1.syndication.nhschoices.nhs.uk
SYNDICATION_SERVICE Pharmacy service to scrape, i.e. SRV0267 yes

Docker Compose Structure for Deployment and Development

The docker-compose.yml used for development and deployment via Rancher have a similar structure. A stack is run with two pharmacy-service-data-etl images with different configurations.

The convention for environment variables used in the Rancher configuration is to add the Service ID as a prefix to the ETL_SCHEDULE, OUTPUT_FILE, and SYNDICATION_SERVICE environment variables. These are then mapped to the appropriate suffix-less variable in the container, i.e. for the 'NHS Chlamydia screening and treatment' container SRV0267_ETL_SCHEDULE is mapped to ETL_SCHEDULE, and so on.


  • Is the application failing to start?
    • Ensure all expected environment variables are available within the environment
    • If set, LOG_LEVEL must be a number and one of the defined log levels
    • Check for messages in the logs

Architecture Decision Records

This repo uses Architecture Decision Records to record architectural decisions for this project. They are stored in doc/adr.