
Open Source Policy development for the NHS



NHS Open Source Policy will become officially available in Summer 2022

Current status: Version 1.0 - This policy is currently going through internal review as part of the adoption process.

You can find the current live version of the Open Source Policy at: open-source-policy.md. This is the home for all associated policy development, and will be updated frequently in response to subject matter, expert feedback and public comment. It is under active development and should be treated as a live and living record. Even after policy release, the intention is that this document continues to change to inform future updates.

Contributors should be aware that this document is FOIable, effectively a public archive, and comments should be treated as permanent. Please ensure that you follow the NHS Values at all times.

Contributors wishing to comment or suggest changes outside of Github can write to: andrew.harding@nhsx.nhs.uk

Templates for many of the requirements mentioned in open-source-policy.md will be made available in this repository over the next 12 months.

This documentation and open-source-policy.md is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.