
This is a high school project IA2 :)))


** Background, premise and Copyright

CUE template version 3.2. Use this file to assist in meeting version 3.2 of the CUE template conformance requirements. The files contained in the zip file include the (X)HTML source files, various page models, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files, JavaScript files and images for use in implementing the CUE template. The Consistent User Experience template, derived from the Consistent User Experience Standard and principles of Information Standard 26 was developed collaborative by staff from across many Queensland Government agencies to reduce duplication of effort and redundant resourcing. The template has been thoroughly tested and is continually evolving.

The template uses CSS for presentation and layout and to facilitate adoption of the template, the code has been presented succinctly. The template represents an example in line with current and emerging best practices in web development.

*** Web design The implementation of the CUE standard is not an attempt to bring web design to the lowest common denominator or return to text only web sites. Rather it challenges web developers and content providers to consider both information and information design within the context of universal and consistent accessibility. CUE is a model of how the Queensland Government will provide electronic information to the public and to its employees today and in the future.

*** Copyright Copyright protects this template and related material. This template and related material may be used to develop Queensland Government websites but may not be used or reproduced for any other purpose without prior written consent from the Department of Public Works.

** Change log: CUE template version 3.2

A change log outlining the latest changes to the CUE template is available on the WebCentre (http://www.qld.gov.au/web/cue/template/change-log/). Alternatively the historical change log is located in the docs folder.

** Source code

If you are interested in learning more about how the CUE template reference implementation works, you should obtain a copy of the CUE-template-3.2-src.zip or CUE-template-3.2-src-windows.zip from the Queensland Government WebCentre (http://www.qld.gov.au/web/cue/template/downloads/). See the src folder within these distributions. All code is well commented and extra documentation is provided.

** Implementation advice

To assist you in implementing the CUE Standard Template within your agency, please refer to the documentation in the docs folder. More information is available from the Queensland Government WebCentre (http://www.qld.gov.au/web/cue/template/)

** Custom styles

Explicit styles applied to CUE template regions are referenced in qg.css. To ensure the integrity of the template will not be compromised, agencies should create custom styles that apply to general HTML elements in a separate style sheet. See the examples provided for guidance.

Additional documentation is available in the docs folder.

** favicon.ico

A favicon has been included with the template. Do not forget to save it (favicon.ico) at the root of your web site server tree.

** Working groups

Information regarding working groups including the Online Advisory Group and the CUE Technical Standards Special Interest Group (and other Special Interest Groups) is available by contacting the Online Services Unit, Smart Service Queensland.

Email: onlineservices@smartservice.qld.gov.au

** Contact the Online Services Unit for assistance/support

Please do not hesitate to contact the Online Services Unit if you have any questions regarding the Consistent User Experience (CUE) Standard, template conformance requirements, reference implementation or just require general advice regarding your website.

Email: onlineservices@smartservice.qld.gov.au

** URL persistence and link updates after launch/relaunch of a site

If you are redeveloping your site, you should consider the impact of moving content to new locations - i.e. if you are making changes to the information architecture/site structure, ensure that appropriate redirects are in place. If you are aware of sites that may be linking to this content, ensure you have notified the relevant site web manager. Please ensure you contact the the Online Services Unit - onlineservices@smartservice.qld.gov.au. The Online Services Unit can provide advice to ensure URLs are persisted/redirected and links from the Queensland Government Internet site (http://www.qld.gov.au/) are updated in line with your site redevelopment.