
Whatsapp bot with tons of features !

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


I know this is what you might be thinking

Let me explain,
BotSocrates is Just another whatsapp bot but it can do things the way I want !

Env variables

Name Value Note
MONGO_URI " " db functionality is not integrated Yet
PREFIX "/" commands table below is created assuming prefix is "/"
ICOOKIE sample -> 'csrftoken=; mid=; ig_did=; ig_nrcb=1; datr=; ds_user_id=; dpr=; rur=""; sessionid=; shbid=""; shbts=""' your instagram cookie goes here.
replace every "/" with "," in cookie value




  • Only important commands are mentioned in commands table. Explore new commands by /h.

  • Note that * marked params are compulsory.

Command Alias Parameters Use Example
/help /h admin To display help menu containing all commands /h OR /h<space>admin
/alive - - To check bot is online or not /alive
/insta /igd instagram reel or post link* Get image/video from the provided link. It only works on public account also works on private accounts only which are accessible to the account whose cookie is active in env. variable /insta<space>link or /igd<space>link
/sticker - default, crop, full It returns sticker of the given image/video/gif /sticker or
/sticker<space>(any of the parameter)
/instadp /idp instagram username or profile link* Get profile picture from instagram.
This works on all private accounts too.
(/instadp or /idp)<space>(insta_username or insta_profile_link)
/ytv - yotube shorts or video link* Get youtube video from the given link
To save my credit card running out of money the maximum video length is limited to 5 minutes

Deployment Guide