
Quickly designed geo-tagging app for hackathon held at K.C. College of Engineering

Primary LanguageJava

GreenTag Greentag(1)


We're collating geotag data of trees along with photo and age data, and build a community around tagging an tracking planted trees

5 Screens/ The home screen displays a feed of nearby users in the selected state The New Tag screen allows you to capture a photo of the plant, from which we extract geo-tag information as well as the timestamp for verificaton purposes. Near Me tab is a Map View where all user tagged trees are visible as pins on the map, as well as stranger trees around the current user locations. Leaderboards drive the community to push the collective and achieve a goal together, which is plant and tag more trees. We have 3 sections for Nationwide, Statewise, and individual leaderboards.

Finishing off with the Profile section, which allows the user to track their tags and change user settings as well as share the app on other social media.

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