
Conditional Geostatistical Simulation (CGS) R script

Primary LanguageR

Appendix - Fernandes & Fallon (2019)

Conditional Geostatistical Simulation (CGS) R script for Fish distributions reveal discrepancies between zonal attachment and quota allocations.

Example of CGS implemented for the West of Scotland haddock stock, Division VIa, using Quarter 1 IBTS data from 2012. Percentages of the simulated adult biomass surfaces in EU and UK EEZs are calculated.

Script adapted from: Petitgas, P., Woillez, M., Rivoirard, J., Renard, D., and Bez, N. (2017). Handbook of geostatistics in R for fisheries and marine ecology. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 338. 177 pp.

Adult haddock fish density data was obtained from the ICES DATRAS database.

Spatial polygon boundaries for CGS were created using EEZ shapefiles from www.marineregions.org and raster bathymetry data from www.bodc.ac.uk.