
Here I implement a shortest path algorithm to find the minimum distance between nodes in a graph

Primary LanguagePython

Dijkstras Algorithm

Here I implement a shortest path algorithm to find the minimum distance between nodes in a graph.

Code Requirements:

  • The code was developed using python 2.7
  • The following packages are required:
    • pandas to split the data.
    • heapq to implement a priority queue for Dijkstra’s algorithm.


  1. As mentioned, I chose to a shortest path algorithm to find the values. More specifically, I chose to use Dijkstra’s algorithm as “This is asymptotically the fastest known single-source shortest-path algorithm for arbitrary directed graphs with unbounded non-negative weights” [1]. Based on this statement, the algorithm can be applied to more problems in the future.
  2. I chose to parse the values in a dictionary using the function values_to_dict with the format {“start_node“{“end_node“,“distance“}}. This ensured that fast access to data was available, as dictionaries are based on hash tables.

Running Code:

The code is run using the following command, which contains three arguments: ./run.sh {data_name} {starting_node} {end_node}

For example:

./run.sh map_data.dat 316319897 316319936