
My opionated copier template for Python development.

Primary LanguageJinja

Documentation for nialov-py-template

This is a copier template for Python 3.8+ development.

Highly opinionated and made for personal use.

Short description of functionality

  • Testing framework based on doit and nox.
    • Allows replication of continuous integration (=ci) tests locally.
    • Continuous integration is conducted with GitHub Actions.
    • Continuous integration tasks are replicable locally with doit tasks defined in dodo.py.
      • Note that docs are hosted on ReadTheDocs, the task is only ran in ci to test the building with task that mimics ReadTheDocs.
      • An action exists that will push to PyPI on tagged commits.
        • However this requires a PYPI_PASSWORD API token to work.
        • See end of doit job in workflow file.
      • Non-tagged commits simply try building the package without pushing anywhere.
  • Testing of code is done with pytest.
  • Documentation is generated with sphinx

Template Development

Run tests for the template with poetry or nix + poetry:

  • With nix + poetry:
# With nix (installs all development dependencies automatically)
# But one dependency is poetry which is used for actual python
# dependency management. Therefore poetry install is required to install
# python dependencies.
nix develop -c poetry install
# After python dependencies (including nox) are installed, nox can be ran
# to run the template tests.
nix develop -c poetry run nox
  • With poetry:
poetry install
poetry run nox

Testing uses another, scaffolded Python project in ./test_template/ directory. To run tests for supported Python version 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 you need to have them installed on your system if you do not use nix.