
Scaffold for a Node/Express app using Sequelize to manage Postgres database for the purpose of learning associations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PostgreSQL/Sequelize Node Express Demo App For Associations


This is a demo app to practice with associations in a Node/Express app using Postgres with Sequelize ORM. It is the result of this tutorial:

The tutorial basically follows the Sequelize Docs about Associations.

The original tutorial uses MySQL instead of Postgres...visit the site to see how.

Requirements - Install These First


  • Clone repo and cd into directory
  • nvm use
  • npm i
  • Open .env.default and copy/paste into new file in root directory .env. Fill in the environment variables. For the sake of this Readme PORT is set to 4000.
  • Open Postgres command line using psql and then in the Postgres command line:
    • Create a new user for this app's database: CREATE ROLE username WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' CREATEDB;. username and password should match what you've added to the .env file.
    • Create a database for this app: CREATE DATABASE dbname;. dbname should match what you've added to the .env file.

NOTE: The master branch of this repo is the final demo after all 4 tutorials. The ending point of each tutorial is in its own branch.

Run The App

  • npm run start

  • Open Postman to play around with the queries and results. Open the Body tab and make sure x-www-form-urlencoded is selected.

  • Some routes to try out:

    • One-to-one:
      • POST to localhost:4000/api/customers. You can add data for firstname, lastname, age, street, and phone. You will see the address data is linked to the customer by association. Repeat with more customer data if you want.
      • GET to localhost:4000/api/customers. You will see the associated data for all customers (with address) you added in previous step.
    • One-to-many:
      • GET to localhost:4000/api/companies/init. You will seed some company data and see a 'Done!' success message.
      • GET to localhost:4000/api/companies/all. You will the companies with their associated products listed.
    • Many-to-many:
      • GET to localhost:4000/api/projects/init. You will seed some project and user data and see a 'OK' success message.
      • GET to localhost:4000/api/projects/all. You will the projects with their associated workers listed.

    Play around with different ways to insert and query data to learn more about using Sequelize associations.