Withered Away (Back End)

The frontend could be found here. Find the video demonstration here.

Get started locally

Clone the repository or just download the zip and unzip it one of your preferable folders. In the project directory, you should run:

npm install

This should install all the dependencies from 'package.json'.

npm run dev

This would run the server in the development mode with the help of 'nodemon' where any changes in the files will restart the server.

node server.js

This would run the server where any changes in the files won't restart the server.


The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Schema Diagram and all the SQL files could be found inside the assets folder.

Setup Database

This project was built using Oracle 19c. You should get that from here. A complete installation of Oracle could be found in the assets folder.

Now that Oracle is installed, you can create a user and grant him necessary privilages. If you want to keep things simple and follow the developer's guideline, open a program called 'SQL Plus', already intalled in your system with Oracle.

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password: 123

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> create user c##witheredaway identified by witheredaway;

User created.

SQL> grant dba to c##witheredaway;

Grant succeeded.

Open the newly created user in Navicat, DataGrip or any other program you like or just use the terminal. You can either execute the c##witheredaway.sql or execute all the four of create-table.sql, functions.sql, procedures.sql & triggers.sql. The developer prefers it to do the later one. In the later case, you need to import data from the data export folder.

Setting up .env

You would need a .env file in the base directory of this project. It should contain 4 things -


The PORT should be anything prefer. If you decide to stick with the default code in the frontend then use PORT=8080.
DB_USER and DB_PASS should come from the user you just created inside oracle. To stick with the developer's choice, use these DB_USER=c##witheredaway and DB_PASS=witheredaway.
The connection string would now look something like DB_CONNECTIONSTRING=localhost:1521/orcl.

To generate an Access Token run this on the terminal

> require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex')

This would return a hex string of length 64 which you can use as the Access Token. For example-

Now your .env should look like -



Get a full documentation here.