
Movie app using Sinatra as a webframe to search from a movie by a key word

Primary LanguageHTML

Sinatra App - Movie Search App

WDI mini-project, week 2

Building a basic Sinatra app that has: views, layouts, and RESTful routes Heightening your CSS skills Reninforcing the importance of building apps in a RESTful manner

  1. Phase 1: Take all the HTML strings out of your existing lab and move them into the views. Make sure to separate your Views into a separate folder.


  • There should be 3 erb files
  • The results erb should take an array in which you can iterate through & display results
  1. Phase 2: After you search for a movie and then clicked on a movie link have the result display the "Plot", "Released Year", "Rated", "Runtime", "Genre", "Director", and "Actors". This should be on the poster page. (Optional: Add a link to the actual IMDB page).

  2. Phase 3: Style it up like crazy... with the CSS tricks you learned today! Feel free to implement Bootstrap.

Center the poster and text on the poster page in the middle of the screen. Also add a border around the poster. Then do anything else you'd like to make the page interesting.

  1. Phase 4: Make your app mobile first