A script that generates WaniKani statistics for the Total Annihilation Challenge on Reddit
gnuplot has to be installed and available in the path to run this script. Before you can use the script the api key for WaniKani has to be placed in a file called api_key.txt in the same directory as the script.
How to use the script:
$ python wkstats.py
Downloads the current data from WaniKani and prints a Reddit formatted table with the data from WaniKani. If previous data is available locally (see --save option) the table will include changes from the last time. If there are at least one earlier data point saved a graph will also be plotted that shows the progress over time.
$ python wkstats.py --save
Does the same as when run without the --save option, but it also saves the data from WaniKani to file. If there is already data saved for the same day the old data will be overwritten.