JS and angularjs modules with many useful functions like factories for days and provinces
Simply include the lib into your project (with momentjs as well) and add the dependency in your angular module
bower install nblutils
<script src="bower_components/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/nblutils/dist/js/nblutils.min.js"></script>
angular.module('your_module', ['nblutils']);
var provinces = $provinces.get('br');
var months = $months.get('br');
var days = $days.get('br');
$localstorage.set('key', value);
var v = $localstorage.get('key' [, defalt_value]);
$localstorage.setObject('key', valueObject);
var obj = $localstorage.getObject('key' [, default_object_value]);
In your HTML add this to the bottom
<div id="loadingdiv">
<img src="path_to_your_ajax_loading_image" class="ajax-loader"/>
Include CSS
<link href="bower_components/nblutils/dist/css/nblutils.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, print, projection">
Add config to your angular module
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.post = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.put = {};
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.patch = {};
var spinnerFunction = function (data, headersGetter) {
return data;
This will execute the loading spinner on every HTTP request
Use this extension method to convert float into money formatted strings:
var money_str = money_float.formatMoney(number_of_decimals [, decimal_point [, thousand_separator]]);
Use this extension method to replace the last occurence of a substring in a string
var original_str = "This is only the beginning";
var new_str = original_str.replaceLast('th'); // This is only e beginning
Use this extension method to replace all occurences of a substring in a string
var original_str = "This is only the beginning";
var new_str = original_str.replaceAll('th'); // is is only e beginning
var cnpj = "00111222000101";
var formatted = cnpj.formatCNPJ(); // 00.111.222/0001-01
var time = "133001";
var formatted = time.formatTime(); // 13:30:01
var cep = "0100570";
var formatted = cep.formatCEP(); // 01005-70
var phone = "12345678";
var formatted = phone.formatPhone(); // 1234-5678
var phone = "3412345678";
var formatted = phone.formatPhone(); // (34) 1234-5678
var phone = "34912345678";
var formatted = phone.formatPhone(); // (34) 9 1234-5678
var phone = "0800401402";
var formatted = phone.formatPhone(); // 0800 401-402
var phone = "08004014130";
var formatted = phone.formatPhone(); // 0800 401-4130
var money_str = "1.250,75";
var money_clean = money_str.cleanMoney(); // 1250.75 (string)
var money_str = "1.250,75";
var money_clean = money_str.cleanMoney(); // 1250.75 (float)
var a = "1.250,75";
var b = "1250.75";
if(a.isNumeric()) { } // false
if(b.isNumeric()) { } // true
var a = "123.456.789-00";
var b = "825.858.524-07";
if(a.validCPF()) { } // false
if(b.validCPF()) { } // true
var a = "12.234.456/7890-01";
var b = "06.848.185/0001-75";
if(a.validCNPJ()) { } // false
if(b.validCNPJ()) { } // true
getRandomSequence(5); // 80325
getRandomSequence(7); // 9982063
getRandomId(); // 201709070705318032520630
var img = UtilImage.whiteOne;
To validate email strings use
if(email_string_var.validEmail()) {
//it's valid
To convert accented letters into not accented ones
var accented = "Isto é um teste de pão";
var not_accented = accented.removeAccentedLetters(); // returns Isto e um teste de pao
To capitalize the first letter in string
var str = "not capitalized";
var cap_str = str.capitalizeFirstLetter(); // returns Not capitalized
To shuffle an array
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
shuffleArray(arr); // shuffle arr
var cep_value = '38.415-054'; // value with ou without . and -
var use_https = true; // optional flag to use HTTPS. Default: true
$cep.getAddress(cep_value, use_https).then(function(r) {
result is an object:
"cep": "38415-054",
"logradouro": "Rua Diabase",
"complemento": "",
"bairro": "Dona Zulmira",
"localidade": "Uberlândia",
"uf": "MG",
"unidade": "",
"ibge": "3170206",
"gia": ""
}, function(e) { console.log(e); });
// _var contains an image URL
if (VarTester.isVoidStr(_var)) {
// _var is a string
if (VarTester.isEmpty(_var)) {
// _var is a empty string
if (VarTester.isNull(_var)) {
// _var is null
if (VarTester.isUndefined(_var)) {
// _var is undefined
if (VarTester.isZeroInt(_var)) {
// _var is integer and 0
if (VarTester.isZeroFloat(_var)) {
// _var is float and 0
if (VarTester.isEmptyObject(_var)) {
// _var is an empty object
if (VarTester.isVoidStr(_var)) {
// _var is an invalid string
To add provinces, days or months simply extend nblutilsdata object
nblutilsdata.days['us'] = [
{ code: "Sun", num: '0', name: "Sunday" },
{ code: "Mon", num: '1', name: "Monday" },
{ code: "Tue", num: '2', name: "Tuesday" },
{ code: "Wed", num: '3', name: "Wednesday" },
{ code: "Thu", num: '4', name: "Thursday" },
{ code: "Fri", num: '5', name: "Friday" },
{ code: "Sat", num: '6', name: "Saturday" }
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- formatMoney from krosti: https://gist.github.com/krosti/4026177