This is a NodeJS/Cloudflare Worker implementation of an RSA-Public Key Service.
Keys have to be sent along with a JSON Web Token authenticating the user.
Getting keys just requires a users UUID, no authentication is needed.
Returns the public key of the user with the given UUID.
Returns a 404 if the user does not exist.
Parameters (body):
- token: JSON Web Token authenticating the user
- key: public key of the user
Returns the payload if the key was successfully set.
Returns a 403 if the user already has a key.
Explanation of the parameter acquisition:
- token: acquired from the nibyou/auth API
- key: public part of a generated RSA-PSS keypair (in SPKI format):
const {publicKey, privateKey} = await crypto.subtle.generateKey({
name: 'RSA-PSS',
modulusLength: 2048,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]),
const exportPuK = btoa(await crypto.subtle.exportKey("spki",publicKey))