
Primary LanguageXQueryOtherNOASSERTION

Common Simple Queue

This component implements a simple queue persisted into the database. The queue manages events.

An event consists of some metadata, a task specific payload and a list of URIs. The metadata includes a name used to identify a process that can handle the payload.

Queue Executor definition

A queue executor is a Javascript or XQuery module that is run to process a queue event. In Javascript an executor is a module which exports a main function which takes five parameters. In XQuery it is a main module. The parameters are passed to main (in this order) in Javascript and external variables in XQuery (the variables must be in the namespace http://noslogan.org/hub-queue/)

  • source - the source field from the event (a string)
  • type - the type field from the event (a string)
  • payload - the payload from the event (an item())
  • uris - the sequence of URIs assigned to the event (a sequence of strings in XQuery, an array of them in Javascript)
  • config - the config element from the queue configuration document (if present)
  • database - the database in which to execute the code (if not set runs in the current database context)

The queue function is executed in an isolated transaction with update set to true. declareUpdate is set on the javascript module

### Javascript example

"use strict";

function main(source, type, payload, uris, config) {

    xdmp.log(`In event of type ${type} created by ${source}
        payload is ${xdmp:quote(payload)}
        and uris are ${uris}

module.exports = { main }

### XQuery example

xquery version "1.0-ml";

declare namespace q="http://noslogan.org/hub-queue/";

declare variable $q:source as xs:string external;
declare variable $q:type as xs:string external;
declare variable $q:payload as item() external;
declare variable $q:config as element(q:config)? external;
declare variable $q:uris as xs:string* external;

xdmp:log("In event of type " || $type ||  " created by " || $source
        || "
payload is " || xdmp:quote(payload) 
        || " and uris are || fn:string-join($uris, ', ') )

The result of the call is used as the new status for the queue entry. If nothing is returned, the status is set to finished. If an error occurs the status is set to failed. Status is logged only when an error occurs under normal status. Enabling the queue trace (the name defaults to community.queue) will lead to all events being logged.

## Configuration

Queue configuration is done using an XML documents. These document can be stored anywhere in the modules database as search is used to identify queue configurations. A configuration document contains the following:

  • source - matching source name or names (the source is intended as a way to group types)
  • type - matching type or types (intended as a way to be more specific - subsetting the source)
  • module - the path to the module to be executed
  • language - set to javascript or xquery (if not set the suffix will be used to work this out)
  • config - an element with no defined content that is simply passed to the module on execution

Note that the q:executor element is root of searches so a document may contain many configurations


<q:executor xmlns:q="http://noslogan.org/hub-queue/"> <q:source>mysource</q:source> <q:type>test-type</q:source> <q:module>/queue-modules/test-type-exec.xqy</q:module> <q:language>xquery</q:language> <q:database>data-hub-STAGING</q:database> <q:config> 1 ginger </q:config> </q:executor>

Note that both q:source and q:type may be repeated

### Duplication

It is unwise to set more than q:config to match the same source and type as the first one that results from the query will be used and others silently ignored.

Queue Heartbeat

Queue management is handled by a regular task. The test configuration includes a simple set of scheduled tasks to generate this hearbeat. In a production environment, this should be handle by an external task calling the REST interface (see REST interface). Note - the REST interface does not configure a REST Server - that is the responsibility of the application user it.

The hearbeat task reads a configuration file and uses it to create events. These are stub events which don't have associated URIs - they are used to trigger event processing. They can have a payload if required

The hearbeat request takes a single parameter - id. The hearbeat id is used to identify events to be created. This is driven by a configuration file similar to that defined for the executors above. It contains the following fields:

  • heartbeat-id - if the id matches the current hearbeat id, the event is created
  • source - _the source parameter for the newly created event (set to http://noslogan.org/hub-queue/queue/source/heartbeat if not defined)
  • type - the type parameter for new created event - must be set
  • payload - the payload to pass to the executor via the event. See below

### Payloads

The q:payload element can contain anything that can be expressed in XML. JSON converted to XML may be used as may the XML serialization of a map. Both of these will be converted back to the

### Examples

<q:heartbeat-config xmlns:q="http://noslogan.org/hub-queue">
   <q:description>Generate an event every minute</q:description>
<q:heartbeat-config xmlns:q="http://noslogan.org/hub-queue">
    <q:description>Kick of a reset every five minutes</q:description>

### Internal Heartbeats

The following events are generated for internal use using the hearbeat

#### Reset

Generates an event which, when handled, sets the status of all the events in the URI list to new.

### Clear

Generates an event which, when handled, deletes the event URIs in the event list.


Generates an event which, when handled, sets the status of the event URIs in the event list to failed.

Pending Timeout

Generates an event which, when handled, identifies events that have not been handled but are marked as pending and adds them to a URI list for the reset event.

Execution Timeout

Generates an event which, when handled, identifies events that are marked as executing but have run for longer than the configured maximum request timeout and adds them to list for the Fail event.

Identify Deletions

Generates an event which, when handled, generates a list of event URIs which should be deleted.


Generates a summary of the state of the queue at the time it was run and stores it as a log entry.

REST Interface

The REST interface is found at /v1/resources/hub-queue and supports the GET and PUT verbs

## GET

The GET verb returns a number of event URIs as either JSON or XML (depending on the Accept header with XML prioritised over JSON). The number of events returned is defined by the rs:count parameter. If not supplied the number defaults to 10. The XML format is as follows:

<event-list xmlns="http://noslogan.org/hub-queue/event-list">

The JSON format is similar:

    eventList: [


The PUT verb requests event processing on event URIs. The document format required is exactly the same as that used for the GET verb (the simplest behavior of a calling application would be to GET and then POST the document). The rs:count parameter is not required for PUTs.

## Notes on Status

The queue mechanism supports the following status values for an event:

  • new
  • pending
  • executing
  • finished
  • failed

All events are created with new status. When an event is returned from the REST API (/v1/resources/hub-queue) the status is set to pending. When a pending event is passed to the execution module, the status is set to executing. On success the status is set to *finished and on failure to failed.

Event status is stored as a separate document to the event itself. For most of the lifespan of an event there is a one to one correspondance between status and event. However, when executing the status sent when executing finishes is added. If not, the deltds