
A series of scripts, supported by Docker, that can prepare an AWS Lambda ZIP package with a Python based Lambda Function. The script will accomodate different Python versions supported by AWS.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

AWS Lambda Python Zip (alpz)

A series of scripts, supported by Docker, that can prepare an AWS Lambda ZIP package with a Python based Lambda Function. The script will accommodate different Python versions supported by AWS.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • A fairly modern Linux distro
  • Docker or Podman client installed

Optional requirements:

  • GNU Make for installing


Run the following:

# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/nicc777/aws-lambda-python-zip-packager.git

# Change into the directory
cd aws-lambda-python-zip-packager

# Install
sudo make install


After installing, create a Python Lambda function. To include additional requirements, create a requirements.txt file in the same directory as the Python script.

Assuming the Python script full path is in LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SRC_FILE environment variable, run the following:


Look for a line similar to: DONE - Workdir /tmp/package_132941dce85b4b16805500323475ea88/output contains the resulting ZIP file

For more command line options run alpz -h

The resulting ZIP file can now be uploaded to S3 from where you can deploy your AWS Lambda Function.

Specifying a specific version of Python

A more advanced example that prepares a package with a specific name using the Python 3.10 runtime and saving the path to the resulting ZIP file in /tmp/output.json:

# Run the command
alpz -f $LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SRC_FILE -p my-package -v 3.10-bookworm -o /tmp/output.json

# Get the ZIP file from the generated output file:
cat /tmp/output.json

# Check:
ls -lahrt /tmp/package_701b6afc39af4cb690cfeae01b855f90/output/my-package.zip

The JSON file generated will look something like this:

    "ZipFilePath": "/tmp/package_701b6afc39af4cb690cfeae01b855f90/output/my-package.zip", 
    "WorkDir": "/tmp/package_701b6afc39af4cb690cfeae01b855f90"

Include Python packages without the presence of a requirements file

The following will create the requirements file, if not present, with packages to include in the archive:

alpz -f $LAMBDA_FUNCTION_SRC_FILE -p my-package -v 3.10-bookworm -o /tmp/output.json -r "Twisted fastapi"

What images are available?

To check what options you can pass to the -v option, run the following command:

curl -s https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/library/python/tags\?page_size\=1000 | jq -r ".results[].name" | sort --version-sort | grep "\-bookworm" | grep -v slim

Expect output similar to this:


From this list, pick a suitable version that is also supported by AWS

References and More Reading