
A minimimal deployment of the Fury Kubernetes Distribution following GitOps paradigm

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Fury Distribution Minimal

A minimal deployment of the Fury Kubernetes Distribution using the GitOps paradigm.

For a regular deployment in a minikube environment without GitOps go here.


There are various others GitOps tools available (e.g. Argo CD), for this demo I choose Flux v2.

0. GitHub Token

Create a GitHub personal access token following this guide.

Remember to grant all repo permissions.

Once created save the token in an environment variable:

export GITHUB_USER=<MY_GITHUB_USER> (e.g. nikever)

1. Start minikube cluster

At the root level of this repository, execute:

export REPO_DIR=$(PWD)

Start a minikube cluster:

cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make setup

By default, it will spin up a one node Kubernetes cluster of version v1.19.4 in a VirtualBox VM (CPUs=4, Memory=8192MB, Disk=20000MB).

You can pass additional parameters to change the default values:

make setup cpu=2 memory=2048

If you reduce the memory and cpu of the node, remember to adjust resources requests and limits in the patches of the fury-distribution-minimal.

Please referer to this Makefile for additional details on the cluster creation.

1. Install Flux CD

Bootstrap Flux v2

We are going to bootstrap flux via the cli:

flux bootstrap github \
    --owner $GITHUB_USER \
    --repository fury-flux-fleet \
    --branch main \
    --path ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster \

The bootstrap command creates a repository if one doesn't exist, commits the manifests for the Flux components to the default branch at the specified path, and installs the Flux components. Then it configures the target cluster to synchronize with the specified path inside the repository.

Wait for the pods to be up and running:

kubectl -n flux-system get pods -w

Clone the created repository

mkdir $REPO_DIR/demo
cd $REPO_DIR/demo

git clone https://github.com/$GITHUB_USER/fury-flux-fleet
cd fury-flux-fleet

2. Deploy Fury Distribution

Create a folder for the Fury distribution:

mkdir -p ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/fury/

Create Flux GitRepository

Create a GitRepository manifest pointing to Fury Distribution Minimal repository's master branch:

flux create source git fury-distribution \
    --url https://github.com/nikever/fury-distribution-minimal \
    --branch main \
    --interval 1m \
    --export \
    > ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/fury/fury-distribution-source.yaml

Create a Flux Kustomization

Create a Flux Kustomization manifest for the Fury distribution. This configures Flux to build and apply the kustomize directory located in the Fury Distribution Minimal repository under the fury folder.

flux create kustomization fury-distribution \
  --source=fury-distribution \
  --path="./fury" \
  --prune=true \
  --interval=5m \
  --export \
  > ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/fury/fury-distribution-kustomization.yaml

We don't perform any validation (neither on client nor server) due to some race-condition on Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). This happens because CRDs are referenced before they are created, resulting in an error. Without the validation we force the kustomize apply until the actual state matches the desired state.

Deploy via GitOps

Commit and push to deploy the Fury Distribution in the cluster:

git add -A && git commit -m "Add Fury Minimal Distribution GitRepository and Kustomization"
git push

Wait for Flux to reconcile everything:

watch flux get sources git
watch flux get kustomizations

Wait for pods to be up and running:

kubectl get pods -A -w

Explore the Fury distribution

Use minikube ip to get the external IP of the cluster:

$ minikube ip

Add ingresses to /etc/hosts file by adding the following line to the bottom of the file: directory.fury.info alertmanager.fury.info goldpinger.fury.info grafana.fury.info prometheus.fury.info >> /etc/hosts

Replace with your actual IP. If you are adventurous enough, you might want to use this one-liner:

sudo bash -c "echo $(minikube ip) directory.fury.info alertmanager.fury.info goldpinger.fury.info grafana.fury.info prometheus.fury.info >> /etc/hosts"

Now, open a browser and go to directory.fury.info, you should be able to see all the cluster ingresses.

More information of what can you do can be found here.

3. Deploy demo application

To conclude we are going to deploy a simple demo app in our cluster. We are going to deploy a sample web application called hello-app. It is a web server written in Go that responds to all requests with the message Hello, World! on port 8080.

The application is available as two Docker images, which respond to requests with different version numbers:

  • gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0
  • gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:2.0

We are going to deploy gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0 first, and then update to gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:2.0.

Create Flux GitRepository and Kustomization

Let's create a new directory first for our app:

mkdir -p ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/hello-app/

Now, we can create a GitRepository manifest pointing to the Hello App. We will point to the branch hello-app-1.0 that uses the gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:1.0 image.

flux create source git hello-app \
    --url https://github.com/nikever/kubernetes-hello-app \
    --branch hello-app-1.0 \
    --interval 1m \
    --export \
    > ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/hello-app/hello-app-source.yaml
flux create kustomization hello-app \
  --source=hello-app \
  --path="." \
  --prune=true \
  --interval=5m \
  --export \
  > ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/hello-app/hello-app-kustomization.yaml

Commit and push to deploy the Hello App:

git add -A && git commit -m "Add hello-app GitRepository and Kustomization"
git push

Wait for Flux to reconcile everything:

watch flux get sources git
watch flux get kustomizations

Wait for pods to be up and running:

kubectl get pods -n logging -w

Test the app

Add the following line to the bottom of the /etc/hosts file manually:

<MINIKUBE_IP> hello-world.info

(where <MINIKUBE_IP> must be replace with output of minikube ip)

or, again, via:

sudo bash -c "echo $(minikube ip) hello-world.info >> /etc/hosts"

Verify that the Ingress controller is directing traffic:

curl hello-world.info

It should output something similar to:

Hello, world!
Version: 1.0.0
Hostname: hello-app-5c4957dcc4-l4mqz

Ensure that the version is 1.0.0.

Update the app

To update the app, we simply going to change the branch of the hello-app GitRepository from branch: hello-app-1.0 to branch: hello-app-2.0.

sed -i "" "s/hello-app-1.0/hello-app-2.0/g" clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/hello-app/hello-app-source.yaml

Commit to apply:

git add -A && git commit -m "Update hello-app to v2.0.0"
git push

Wait for Flux to reconcile everything:

watch flux get sources git
watch flux get kustomizations

Now you can retry the app:

curl hello-world.info

It should output Version: 2.0.0:

Hello, world!
Version: 2.0.0
Hostname: hello-app-5c4957dcc4-l4mqz

4. Clean up

To clean up:

  • delete the minikube cluster:
cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make delete
  • delete the lines you added in the /etc/hosts

  • delete the fury-flux-fleet repository (optional).


Handle Private Repository

As a side note, in case of private repositories you can:

  • Generate SSH Credentials
  • Add Deploy key in GitHub
  • Create a secret containing SSH credentials
  • Specify the secret name in the secret-ref parameter when creating GitRepository

This approach is quick but not really "GitOps" since it requires kubectl apply. It is okay for a quick demo, consider alternatives in a real setup.

Generate ssh credentials

mkdir secrets

ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ./secrets/identity
ssh-keyscan github.com > ./secrets/known_hosts

Add deploy key in GitHub

Copy the public key:

cat identity.pub
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA...

Add it to deploy keys under https://github.com/<GITHUB_USER>/<REPOSITORY>/settings/keys

Create secret

kubectl create secret generic ssh-credentials \
    --from-file=./secrets/identity \
    --from-file=./secrets/identity.pub \
    --from-file=./secrets/known_hosts \

Create GitRepository

flux create source git fury-distribution \
    --url PRIVATE_REPO/fury-distribution-minimal \
    --branch master \
    --interval 1m \
    --secret-ref ssh-credentials \
    --export \
    | tee ./clusters/fury-minimal-cluster/fury/fury-distribution-source.yaml


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