
A minimimal deployment of the Fury Kubernetes Distribution (https://github.com/sighupio/fury-distribution)

Primary LanguageMakefile

Fury Distribution Minimal

A minimal deployment of the Fury Kubernetes Distribution in a minikube environment.

Tools required

  • kustomize >= 3.6
  • furyctl >= 0.4.0
  • minikube >= v1.18

To install furyctl please refer to this guide.


The following modules of the distribution are deployed:

Module Version
Fury Monitoring v1.11.1
Fury Logging v1.7.1
Fury Ingress v1.9.2

You can change the versions by modifying the Furyfile.yml and then update the vendor folder via furyctl vendor -H.

Packages Deployed

You can inspect the Furyfile.yml to see the list of the packages deployed.

Logging Packages

$ cat Furyfile.yml | grep logging
  logging: v1.7.1
  - name: logging/elasticsearch-single
  - name: logging/fluentd
  - name: logging/kibana

Monitoring Packages

$ cat Furyfile.yml | grep monitoring
  monitoring: v1.11.1
  - name: monitoring/prometheus-operator
  - name: monitoring/prometheus-operated
  - name: monitoring/alertmanager-operated
  - name: monitoring/node-exporter
  - name: monitoring/kube-state-metrics
  - name: monitoring/grafana
  - name: monitoring/goldpinger
  - name: monitoring/kubeadm-sm
  - name: monitoring/configs

Ingress Packages

$ cat Furyfile.yml | grep ingress
  ingress: v1.9.2
  - name: ingress/forecastle
  - name: ingress/nginx

Start minikube cluster

At the root level of this repository, execute:

export REPO_DIR=$(PWD)

Start a minikube cluster:

cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make setup

By default, it will spin up a one node Kubernetes cluster of version v1.19.4 in a VirtualBox VM (CPUs=4, Memory=4096MB, Disk=20000MB).

You can pass additional parameters to change the default values:

make setup cpu=2 memory=2048

If you reduce the memory and cpu of the node, remember to adjust resources requests and limits accordingly.

Please referer to this Makefile for additional details on the cluster creation.

Deploy Fury

cd $REPO_DIR/fury
make fury

You might see some errors. You need to wait for some CRD to be created and then reapply the manifests:

# wait 10s 
make fury

Wait for all the pods to be up and running (it may take some time):

kubectl get pods -A -w

While you wait, use minikube ip to get the external IP of the cluster:

$ minikube ip

Add ingresses to /etc/hosts file by adding the following line to the bottom of the file: directory.fury.info alertmanager.fury.info goldpinger.fury.info grafana.fury.info prometheus.fury.info >> /etc/hosts

Replace with your actual IP. If you are adventurous enough, you might want to use this one-liner:

sudo bash -c "echo $(minikube ip) directory.fury.info alertmanager.fury.info goldpinger.fury.info grafana.fury.info prometheus.fury.info >> /etc/hosts"

Explore the distribution

Open a browser and go to directory.fury.info. This is the forecastle page with all the ingresses. You can have a look around and:

  • Inspect the logs in Kibana
  • See the alerts in Alertmanager
  • Explore the metrics in Prometheus
  • Visualize the dashboards in Grafana

Create Kibana index patterns

Kibana requires an index pattern to access the Elasticsearch data that you want to explore. An index pattern selects the data to use and allows you to define the properties of the fields. We are going to create the following index patterns:

  • kubernetes-*
  • system-
  • nginx-ingress-controller-*
# kubernetes-*
curl -X POST kibana.fury.info/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/kubernetes  -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
  "attributes": {
    "title": "kubernetes-*"

# system-*
curl -X POST kibana.fury.info/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/system  -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
  "attributes": {
    "title": "system-*"

# nginx-ingress-controller-*
curl -X POST kibana.fury.info/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/nginx-ingress-controller  -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
  "attributes": {
    "title": "nginx-ingress-controller-*"


To clean up:

  • delete the minikube cluster:
cd $REPO_DIR/minikube
make delete
  • delete the line you added in /etc/hosts.