
A news application MVP follow along example.

Primary LanguageJava

MVP – an example of moving fast, with stable infrastructure

When working on an MVP it is an extremely delicate process that involves correct timing, knowing when to take on technical debt, and knowing the tricks of the trade when iterating quickly.

Follow with me as I create a sample MVP using tools we have covered in class, and architecture patterns I use daily to create a MVP and making sure that I take on the minimal amount of technical debt so we can iterate on the code, instead of hacking out features.

Proposed process

  • git flow process for features, releases, etc.
  • I will submit PR's for all feature branches.
    • I urge the class to comment on my PR's. Pretend you were the one who is tasked with the code review.
  • The application will not be 100% functional, but will allow me to showcase the core parts of the application.
  • I will have a branch that showcases proper architecture patterns (medium-expert level so don't worry if you don't understand), and a branch that has minimal architecture overhead (easy-medium level, you should understand)


  • Showcase git's importance in the development process.
  • Showcase Java syntax to help those who are still learning java.
  • Showcase Architecture patterns...
    • That are common/important in Android
    • That are common/need-to-know in engineering.
  • Fake data/features of an application in an appropriate manor.
  • Show piece-wise engineering processes.
  • Showcase some more difficult patterns in Android, that may help for those who wish to continue working with the Android platform.
  • Help those who choose to participate in the Code Review portion...
    • Learn how to professionally, and respectfully provide feedback.
    • Learn the most important "areas" to look for during a code review process.
    • Learn how to "let go" when it comes to implementation details.