
🌍 Normalized repository URLs for every package in the npm registry. Updated daily.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Maintained by jsDelivr. Please consider becoming a sponsor to support us.

All the repository URLs in the npm registry as an object whose keys are package names and values are URLs.

This package weighs in at about 100 MB.


Packages Count Percentage
With repository 1559664 59.76%
Null repository 1050372 40.24%
Total 2610036 100.00%
Providers Count Percentage
GitHub 1527762 58.53%
GitLab 5784 0.22%
Bitbucket 1360 0.05%
Others 24758 0.95%
Total 1559664 59.76%


npm install all-the-package-repos --save


repos = require('all-the-package-repos')

// https://github.com/expressjs/express

See example.js for more usage details.

GitHub URLs are normalized to their https form using github-url-to-object:

  • git@github.com:foo/bar.git becomes https://github.com/foo/bar
  • foo/bar becomes https://github.com/foo/bar
  • etc...

Repository Hostnames

For the curious, there's a submodule that collects all the hostnames of all the repository URLS:


  { value: 'github.com', count: 452768 },
  { value: 'bitbucket.org', count: 553 },
  { value: 'git.oschina.net', count: 219 },
  { value: 'gitlab.com', count: 116 },
  { value: 'git.coding.net', count: 114 },
  { value: 'archive.voodoowarez.com', count: 81 },
  { value: 'gitee.com', count: 60 },
  { value: 'gitlab.baidu.com', count: 49 },
  { value: 'git-wip-us.apache.org', count: 38 },
  { value: 'gitlab.alibaba-inc.com', count: 36 }

It also has a CLI:

all-the-package-repo-hostnames | head -n 10

github.com                                        452768
bitbucket.org                                     553
git.oschina.net                                   219
gitlab.com                                        116
git.coding.net                                    114
archive.voodoowarez.com                           81
gitee.com                                         60
gitlab.baidu.com                                  49
git-wip-us.apache.org                             38
gitlab.alibaba-inc.com                            36


npm install
npm test



Dev Dependencies

  • all-the-packages: All the npm registry metadata as an offline event stream.
  • github-url-to-object: Extract user, repo, and other interesting properties from GitHub URLs
  • object-values: Get the values of an object
  • standard: JavaScript Standard Style
  • tap-spec: Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
  • tape: tap-producing test harness for node and browsers



Generated by package-json-to-readme