:colorscheme sweater
running on GNU/Linux - Elementary OS Luna
" Plug
Plug 'nice/sweater'
" Vundle
Plugin 'nice/sweater'
" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'nice/sweater'
Simply copy the colors/sweater.vim
to ~/.vim/colors
wget -P ~/.vim/colors https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nice/sweater/master/colors/sweater.vim
In your ~/.vimrc
file add the following line.
colorscheme sweater
If you are using a 256 color terminal make sure you have the following line in your ~/.vimrc
before activating the colorscheme.
set t_Co=256
colorscheme sweater
Am I missing something? Fork this repository and send a pull request. Thanks in advance.
- Thanks to stackoverflow user
for hex to 256 color approximation code. Link to code - Thanks to
Rudá Moura
for zen color scheme. User profile - Thanks to
Bram Moolenaar
for the amazing Vim editor and default.vim colorscheme.
for more description see the license.