
Plugins I have created to use with Cronicle (https://github.com/jhuckaby/Cronicle)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Plugins I have created to use with Cronicle (https://github.com/jhuckaby/Cronicle)

Create a new plugin in Cronicle and upload each script to the Cronicle server. You can make the scripts directly executable by using chmod +x plugin.py and then just specify the path to the file for the plugin to execute.

Read more about how I am using these plugins here: https://techministry.blog/2020/07/16/automating-production-equipment-using-a-chromebox-and-a-scheduling-server/


Allows control of an AJA Ki Pro unit. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the AJA Ki Pro
  • transport: Menu: Items record, stop, play
  • clipname: TextField: Name of the clip. All clips will automatically be appended with the date in yyyymmdd format followed by an 8-character uuid to ensure a unique filename


Allows control of an AJA Ki Pro unit's media state to put it in Record-Play or Data-LAN state depending on your needs. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the AJA Ki Pro
  • state: Menu: Items record, data


Checks the available space on the AJA Ki Pro. If the percentage is less than the desired percentage free, the job will fail and pass a message in the chain_data to be used in the next job (if configured). Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the AJA Ki Pro
  • percentage: Text Field: Threshold percentage. If the available space on the drive is less than this number, the job will fail.


Checks the transport state on the AJA Ki Pro. If it does not match the desired transport state, the job will fail and pass a message in the chain_data to be used in the next job (if configured). Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the AJA Ki Pro
  • transport_state: Menu: Items Playing Reverse, Reverse 2X, Forward 2X, Forward 4X, Forward 8X, Forward 16X, Stop, Paused, Recording, Idle


Checks the lamp hours of the Christie projector. If the lamp hours are past the threshold, the job will fail and pass a message in the chain_data to be used in the next job. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the Projector
  • name: Text Field: Friendly name of the Projector used in the error message
  • threshold: Text Field: Threshold number of hours. If the lamp hours are greater than this, the job will fail.


Allows you to send on/off commands to Christie projectors. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the Projector
  • port: Text Field: Port to establish connection with. Default is 3002
  • command: Text Field: Command to send to projector (on/off). Job will fail if invalid command is passed


Allows buttons in Bitfocus Companion to be pressed remotely. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device running Bitfocus Companion
  • port: Text Field: TCP listening port in Companion (default of 51234)
  • page: Text Field: Page that the button is on that you want to execute
  • button: Text Field: Button number on that page that you want to execute


Allows you to send generic TCP strings to the specified IP/port. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device
  • port: Text Field: TCP listening port
  • message: Text Field: Message string you want to send. Automatically sends \n at the end.


Allows you to control routings on a JTech Digital HDMI Matrix. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device
  • output: Text Field: Output Number
  • input: Text Field: Input Number


Allows you to control a KXWell PTZ head and recall presets. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device
  • preset: Text Field: Preset to recall. Uses port 5000.


Allows you to send MIDI notes via midi-relay to the specified IP/port. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device running midi-relay
  • port: Text Field: TCP listening port for midi-relay (default of 4000)
  • midiport: Text Field: MIDI port to send messages to
  • midicommand: Menu: Items: noteon, noteoff
  • channel: Text Field: Channel Number (0-15)
  • note: Text Field: Note Number (0-127)
  • velocity: Text Field: Velocity Number (0-127)


Allows you to control presets of your Panasonic PTZ. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the camera
  • preset: Text Field: Preset Number


Allows you to use Cronicle to load the PCO LIVE page for your next plan in a service type automatically in Safari on the computer running VICREO Listener. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • appid: Hidden: AppID you set up in your PCO Developer Account for this application.
  • secret: Hidden: Secret Key you set up in your PCO Developer Account for this application.
  • servicetype: Text Field: PCO Service Type Id for plan you want to load the LIVE page for


Allows you to generate the PDF path needed to print Planning Center Services custom reports on a schedule. More information here: https://techministry.blog/2020/09/16/using-cronicle-the-planning-center-online-api-and-automator-on-a-mac-to-automate-printing-weekly-paperwork/ Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • appid: Hidden: AppID you set up in your PCO Developer Account for this application.
  • secret: Hidden: Secret Key you set up in your PCO Developer Account for this application.
  • servicetypes: Text Field: semicolon ; delimited list of PCO Service Type Ids for plans you want to include in the report
  • reportid: Text Field: Custom Report Id of the report you want to use
  • pagesize: Menu: Items A4, US-Letter, US-Legal, US-Tabloid
  • printorientation: Menu: Items Portrait, Landscape
  • printmargin: Menu: Items 0.0in, 0.25in, 0.5in, 0.75in, 1.0in


Allows you to send data to a Rock RMS workflow via webhook. Specifically designed to use a workflow that sends texts/emails to a Rock Group in the event that a Cronicle job fails, or to simply send a notfication at a certain time. Requires the following parameters:

  • workflowid: Hidden: The ID of the workflow to run
  • groupid: Text Field: The Group ID to send the notification to
  • type: Menu: Items SMS, Email
  • subject: Text Field
  • body: Text Field
  • token: Hidden: Auth token to authenticate the webhook request
  • workflowurl Hidden: Complete URL to Rock server and workflow entry API (/api/Workflows/WorkflowEntry/)


Allows commands to be sent to any device that accepts RossTalk commands. Requires the following parameters:


Allows you to update dB values for controller inputs on your Symetrix DSP over TCP. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the device running Bitfocus Companion
  • port: Hidden Field: TCP port (default should be "48631")
  • controller: Text Field: Controller Number / Input to adjust. Might need to be 0-based depending on your configuration.
  • db: Text Field: dB value to adjust to. The plugin uses this formula to calculate the Controller Position: Volume dB = -72 + 84*(CONTROLLER POSITION/65535)


Allows commands to be sent to a TimeKeeper server to set up timers automatically. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the TimeKeeper server
  • port: Text Field: Port of the server (usually 4000)
  • date: Text Field: Date you want to use for the timer. Must be M/D/YY. Keep blank and it will use "today's date" (based on the server)
  • time: Text Field: Time you want to use for the timer. Must be H:M:S. Keep blank and it will use 6AM.
  • label: Text Field: The label for the timer.
  • roomid: Text Field: The room ID to target. You can use room-0 to target all rooms.
  • timerid: Text Field: The Timer ID, if you want to choose it explicitly rather than having it auto generated.
  • triggers: Text Box: JSON Object Array for triggers. See TimeKeeper documentation for more information.


Allows you to turn on/off TP-Link HS100 Wifi Outlets. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the HS100 outlet. Recommend you set a DHCP reservation for the outlet if you do not want this to change.
  • command: Menu: Command to send. Items: on, off


Turns a TP Link Kasa Plug Off, waits the specified delay time in seconds, and then turns the plug back on. Helpful to avoid multiple events just to turn on a device that might need to be turned off before it will boot up on power. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP address of the HS100 outlet. Recommend you set a DHCP reservation for the outlet if you do not want this to change.
  • delay: Text Field: Delay time in seconds to wait between turning the plug off and then back on. Default of 5 seconds.


Allows AppleScripts to be executed on the remote computer running the free VICREO Listener software, provided that the remote computer is MacOS.

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • applescript: Text Box: The AppleScript to execute. Recommend you test it locally on the remote computer first to ensure proper syntax of the AppleScript. Any necessary ' or " marks must be escaped (i.e. \' or \").
  • password: Text Box: optional If your instance of VICREO Listener has a password set, then include this.


Allows files and programs to be opened on remote computers running the free VICREO Listener software. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • path: Text Field: File to open or Program to execute on the remote computer
  • password: Text Box: optional If your instance of VICREO Listener has a password set, then include this.


Allows hotkeys to be sent to a remote computer running VICREO Listener. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • key: Menu: Remote key to press
    • Items: backspace, delete, enter, tab, escape, up, down, right, left, home, end, pageup, pagedown, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, command, alt, control, shift, right_shift, space, audio_mute, audio_vol_down, audio_vol_up, audio_play, audio_stop, audio_pause, audio_prev, audio_next, numpad_0, numpad_1, numpad_2, numpad_3, numpad_4, numpad_5, numpad_6, numpad_7, numpad_8, numpad_9, lights_mon_up, lights_mon_down, lights_kbd_toggle, lights_kbd_up, lights_kbd_down
  • modifiers_shift: Checkbox
  • modifiers_fn: Checkbox
  • modifiers_ctrl: Checkbox
  • modifiers_command: Checkbox
  • modifiers_alt: Checkbox
  • modifiers_rightshift: Checkbox
  • modifiers_rightalt: Checkbox
  • modifiers_rightctrl: Checkbox
  • password: Text Box: optional If your instance of VICREO Listener has a password set, then include this.


Allows shell scripts to be executed on remote computers running the free VICREO Listener software. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the computer running VICREO Listener
  • port: Text Field: Port of the VICREO program (default of 10001)
  • shell: Text Field: Shell script/command execute on the remote computer
  • password: Text Box: optional If your instance of VICREO Listener has a password set, then include this.


Allows destinations routes to be changed on Blackmagic VideoHub devices. Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of the VideoHub
  • destination: Destination to change (not zero-based, use the actual number)
  • source: Source to use (not zero-based)


Allows cues to be triggered on Chroma-Q/Jands Vista consoles, provided they are configured to respond to midi messages via midi-relay Requires the following parameters:

  • ip: Text Field: IP Address of Vista computer/console
  • midiport: Text Field: MIDI port to send messages to
  • cuelist: Text Field: Cue List that contains Cue to trigger
  • cue: Text Field: Cue to trigger


Allows magic packets to be sent to the specified MAC address. Requires the wakeonlan command line function. You can install this on Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install wakeonlan Requires the following parameters:

  • mac: Text Field: MAC Address of the device you want to send the magic packet to.