
Another mpv osc script

Primary LanguageLua



  1. Anyone wants a thumbnail may try the other ''with.thumbfast'' branch.

  2. This project may not be active further, since I have made an oscf tool to develop custom osc scripts more easily.

  3. If you are cool, and know how to do the lua programming, you may try the oscf version of this osc.

  4. There are other cool osc scripts like mpv-osc-orange and mpv-osc-simple worth trying.

VER 1.1.1


  1. fix logo distortion issue due to recent libass update.

VER 1.1.0


  1. Gui activation area is limited to gui area.
  2. Time slider show chapter name in tooltip.
  3. Volume slider show volume number in tooltip.
  4. Volume slider use processed volume number to make loudness transition fluent.
  5. Mouse wheel up/down over volume slider to change volume.

Yet another mpv osc script, based on mpv built-in osc



modern.lua --> "~~/scripts/" (!!REMOVE OTHER OSC SCRIPTS!!)

material-design-iconic-font.ttf --> "~~/fonts" (FONT LINK)

Then edit "~~/mpv.conf", add the following lines to the end


title=' '


Config file locates at "~~/script-opts/osc.conf". Supported options are listed below.

    showwindowed=yes/no             -- show OSC when windowed?
    showfullscreen=yes/no           -- show OSC when fullscreen?
    scalewindowed=1                 -- scaling of the controller when windowed
    scalefullscreen=1               -- scaling of the controller when fullscreen
    scaleforcedwindow=2             -- scaling when rendered on a forced window
    vidscale=yes/no                 -- scale the controller with the video?
    hidetimeout=1000                -- duration in ms until the OSC hides if no mouse movement. enforced non-negative for the user but internally negative is 'always-on'.
    fadeduration=500                -- duration of fade out in ms 0=no fade
    minmousemove=3                  -- minimum amount of pixels the mouse has to move between ticks to make the OSC show up
    iamaprogrammer=yes/no           -- use native mpv values and disable OSC internal track list management (and some functions that depend on it)
    font='mpv-osd-symbols'          -- default osc font
    seekrange=yes/no                -- show seekrange overlay
    seekrangealpha=128              -- transparency of seekranges
    seekbarkeyframes=yes/no         -- use keyframes when dragging the seekbar
    title='${media-title}'          -- string compatible with property-expansion to be shown as OSC title
    showtitle=yes/no                -- show title and no hide timeout on pause
    timetotal=yes/no                -- display total time instead of remaining time?
    visibility=auto/yes/no          -- only used at init to set visibility_mode(...)
    windowcontrols=auto/yes/no      -- whether to show window controls
    volumecontrol=yes/no            -- whether to show mute button and volumne slider
    processvolume=yes/no            -- volume bar show processd volume
    language=eng/chs                -- eng=English chs=Chinese

Button Actions

Some buttons may accept multiple mouse actions, here is a list:

(NOTE: mbtn = mouse button)


  • mbtn_left: seek to chosen position.
  • mbtn_right: seek to the head of chosen chapter


  • mbtn_left: skip 5 seconds.
  • mbtn_right: skip 60 seconds.


  • mbtn_left: play previous/netx file.
  • mbtn_right: show playlist.


  • mbtn_left/right: cycle to next/previous track.
  • mbtn_mid: show track list.