
Cloud Resume Challenge

Primary LanguageCSS

My Own Cloud Resume



This simple project is to showcase my knowledge of AWS Services and other tools, by deploying Static Website using the following stack.

  • S3 Bucket Provisioning
  • Cloudfront Distribution
  • IAM Policies for S3 and Cloudfront
  • Certificate Manager for the Domain
  • Route 53 HostedZone configuration from namecheap
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • Lambda Function
  • API Gateway using CORS
  • DynamoDB to Store Views Count

Tech Stack

  • VSCode
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Actions
  • S3 Buckets
  • Cloudfront
  • Namecheap(Domain Provider)
  • Route 53(HostedZone)
  • IAM
  • Certificate Manager
  • Lambda for Python Script to Count Visitors
  • DynamoDB
  • API Gateway