C++ London University Session 6 Group Exercise

Noughts and Crosses

Your task for this evening is to write a console-based, two player noughts-and-crosses (AKA tic-tac-toe) game.


The game should proceed as follows:

  1. Ask player 1 for their name, followed by player 2. These names should then be used to address the players for the remainder of the game.

  2. Ask player 1 to choose a token (nought or cross). Player 2 will use the opposite token.

  3. Ask player 1 to choose a cell. How you read the input is up to you. Redraw the board with player 1's token drawn in the appropriate cell.

  4. Ask player 2 to choose a cell. If this cell is already taken, inform the player and ask them to choose again. Redraw the board showing all the tokens placed so far.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until a player has won, or the game as ended in a draw. If there is a winner, that player has 2 points added to their total score, and the other player receives 0 points. If the game is a draw, both players receive 1 point.

  6. Print the current total scores for both players.

  7. Ask whether the players wish to play another game, or quit. If they wish to play again, restart the game, but alternate the starting player. For example, if player 1 started the last game then player 2 starts this game, and vice versa.

  8. If the players choose not to start a new game, announce the overall winner (if any).

Getting started

The file tictactoe.hpp contains the interface for a simple library to help you build the game. It consists of a board class, an enumeration entry representing the state of each cell of the grid (empty, nought or cross), and an output steaming function to print the grid.

The file game.cpp contains an empty main() routine for you to fill in with your game code

Also declared in tictactoe.hpp are two helper functions check_winner() and check_draw(), which can be used to check whether a player has won, or if the game has ended in a draw respectively. However, these are NOT IMPLEMENTED correctly: if you want to use them in your game, you will need to provide a correct implementation in tictactoe.cpp.

You are free to change or add to any of the given files in any way you like, or add new files to the project. The provided functions are merely intended to help you get started -- you are not required to use them.


  • Before writing any code, think about how to break down the game into individual functions, like check_winner() and check_draw(). Perhaps have one or two team members work on (and test) each function before bringing them together.

  • Concentrate on implementing the main game logic first. Add score tracking, multiple games etc later if you have time.

Have fun!