Yet another Xs and Os Game


Current MVP:

Created this to continue my practice with React with basic React Hooks and State, along with HTML, CSS and Javascript

Project Backlog:

  • Migrate to Typescript


Project Setup

Four main components rendered:

  • Game - for the overall game. This contains much of the business logic, including a function, kept in its own file (check4Winner.js)

  • GameInfo - to cover the infomrations messages rendered at the top, such as the App name, which player is next, or, if the game is over, whether it's a draw, of if there was a winner, and, when the game is over, a button to allow people to play again

  • Board

  • Square

Supporting Documentation

  • In DrawIO, a wireframe of the solution , highlighting the components that will be required to build them, and how they are nested:

  • Some of my markdown notes from planning session run by School of Code (chris Meah) on how to apply computational thinking to developing the application