
Fetch metrics from Google Analytics and send them to Graphite

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Push Google Analytics data to Graphite

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Fetch your Google Analytics data and send it to Graphite, massive love to https://github.com/etsy/GoogleAnalyticsToGraphite for inspiration.

If you prefer Docker, you can use the Docker image: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/sitespeedio/gatographite/

Setup your Google Account and setup everything

To fetch the metrics from Google Analtics, we use the Google API v3. To get it up and running, it needs a couple of things. I'll add the steps asap but if you follow these http://www.bentedder.com/server-to-server-authorization-for-google-analytics-api-with-node-js/ instructions for now, it will hopefully work :)


You can either feed the script with params (check cli.js, I'll add docs later) or add your values to the export.sh file and source it, then all values are fetched from the environment variables.

Choosing which data to fetch

Metrics that you can fetch is the one in the Google Analytics API: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets

You choose that by giving a comma separated list to metrics like this:

gatographite --metrics ga:pageviews,ga:sessions,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:domContentLoadedTime


// Fetch data from yesterday and send to Graphite
// Fetch data from three days back -> today and send to Graphite
gatographite 3
// Send data for a specific date
gatographite 2015-06-01


npm install -g gatographite