
Output notes for a Kubernetes deployment.

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dok8s: Output notes for a Kubernetes deployment.


  1. Use Case
  2. Configuration
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Versioning
  6. Deployment
  7. Production

Use Case

Collect and export information about a Kubernetes deployment (such as components, resources and docker images/tags) in a table format. Input: Deployment files (collection of YAML definitions).
Output: Pretty-print tabular data.


  • Parse the following Kubernetes components:
    ConfigMap, Deployment, Ingress, PersistentVolumeClaim, Secret, Service, StatefulSet.
  • Collect relevant information:
    kind, metadata name, data filenames, (init) containers, hosts / rules, storage name / size, ports, cpu/memory requests/limits
  • Production-ready code.



This project is based on a CLI interface.

Example Output


YAML file: Cluster Autoscaler



Component Value Details
ClusterRole cluster-autoscaler --
ClusterRoleBinding cluster-autoscaler --
Deployment cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler
Role cluster-autoscaler --
RoleBinding cluster-autoscaler --
ServiceAccount cluster-autoscaler --


Platform/Service Name Request Limit Request Notes
cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler CPU:100m Memory:300Mi CPU:100m Memory:300Mi --

Docker images

Platform/Service Name Image Version
cluster-autoscaler cluster-autoscaler k8s.gcr.io/cluster-autoscaler v1.14.7


Behaviour of the application can be configured via Environment Variables.

Environment Variable Description Type Default Value
DOK8S_LOG_LEVEL Level of logging - overrides verbose/quiet flag string -
DOK8S_LOG_DIR Directory to save logs string -
DOK8S_BIN_DIR Directory to save any output (bin) string bin


Configure your local development

  • Clone repo on your local machine
  • Install conda or miniconda
  • Create your local project environment (based on conda, poetry, pre-commit):
    $ make env
  • (Optional) Update existing local project environment:
    $ make env-update

Run locally

On a terminal, run the following (execute on project's root directory):

  • Activate project environment:
    $ . ./scripts/helpers/environment.sh
  • Run the CLI using poetry:
    $ dok8s


[ Not Available ]


(part of CI/CD)

[ Work in progress... ]

To run the tests, open a terminal and run the following (execute on project's root directory):

  • Activate project environment:
    $ . ./scripts/helpers/environment.sh
  • To run pytest:
    $ make test
  • To check test coverage:
    $ make test-coverage


Increment the version number:
$ poetry version {bump rule}
where valid bump rules are:

  1. patch
  2. minor
  3. major
  4. prepatch
  5. preminor
  6. premajor
  7. prerelease


Use CHANGELOG.md to track the evolution of this package.
The [UNRELEASED] tag at the top of the file should always be there to log the work until a release occurs.

Work should be logged under one of the following subtitles:

  • Added
  • Changed
  • Fixed
  • Removed

On a release, a version of the following format should be added to all the current unreleased changes in the file.
## [major.minor.patch] - YYYY-MM-DD


Pip package

On a terminal, run the following (execute on project's root directory):

  • Activate project environment:
    $ . ./scripts/helpers/environment.sh
  • To build pip package:
    $ make build-package
  • To publish pip package (requires credentials to PyPi):
    $ make publish-package

Docker image

On a terminal, run the following (execute on project's root directory):

  • Activate project environment:
    $ . ./scripts/helpers/environment.sh
  • To build docker image:
    $ make build-docker


For production, a Docker image is used. This image is published publicly on docker hub.

  • First pull image from docker hub:
    $ docker pull nichelia/dok8s:{version}
  • Execute CLI via docker run:
    $ docker run --rm -it -v ~/dok8s_bin:/tmp/bin nichelia/dok8s:{version} {command} -d /tmp/bin -o {filename}
    This command mounts the application's bin (outcome) to user's root directory under dok8s_bin folder. The Kubernetes YAML files you want to parse, should be included in this directory.

where version is the published application version