本プロジェクトは、2022年4月・5月にCode for Japanが企画したハッカソンにて開発されたものです。 This project is made for the Hackathon organized by Code for Japan in April-May 2022.
アプリのご感想・ご意見ありましたら、下記のリンクにてお知らせください。 https://forms.gle/kjHo2mRW1PpJEBE59
- Front-end with Next.js / React.js
- Back-end and database using Firebase
- Timestamp management with Luxon
- Fork the repository and clone it on your machine
- Run
npm install
to get all the necessary modules
- Install the development environment on your machine
- Look at an issue you want to deal with and comment on the issue that you are working on it
- Cut a feature branch on your repository machine (
git checkout -b branchname
) - Work on your features, commit
git commit
and push the branch on your repositorygit push origin -u mybranch
- Create a pull request so that your changes will be reflected in the original repository
- Stock picture design by Undraw.co