Mint Rally


About our project

Proof of participation NFT you'll want to keep joining

  • Organizers can easily organize events that can grant evolving NFTs.
  • Organizers can easily generate nice NFT images on the screen
  • Participants can gain attractive NFTs by continuing to attend events.

Problem to be solved

Solves the problem of organizers struggling with event retention rates.

Technology used

  • frontend: Next.js, Typecript
  • contract: Solidity, ERC721Enumerable, Hardhat
  • image: IPFS,


Challenges Faced


  • Calling another contract from a contract and minting it.
  • full on chain
  • Restrict the ability to mint only event attendees.

Under Challenge

  • Allow each event organizer to manage their own participation fees.
  • Image Editor.
  • Making the NFT generative.
  • Meta-transaction to eliminate the burden of gas costs for participants
  • Issue uncool NFTs to absentees.