
VueJs, TypeScript - Given two locations, a venue for drinks is found using multiple APIs.

Primary LanguageVue


A VueJS project in TypeScript.

Given two locations (one can be found using the browser geolocation API), this will find a bars mid-way between said locations.

The application is fully responsive and supports all last 2 versions of major browsers. I recommend using it on mobile in order to also see the use of the navigator.share (info here) browser API.

The locations are geo-coded through OpenCage Geocoder, the mid-point between the two coordinates is then found using TurfJS (the calculation is linear and does not account for water or other impossible geographic terrain), and a list of suggested venues close to the calculated mid-point coordinate is found using Foursquare's Places API. The Foursquare API will automatically calculate the radius within which it suggests venues based on the density of available venues in that area. More info on this here.

Finding the midpoint between two geographical coordinates

Initially I found this solution:


However, the math isn't that straightforward, even though I can still convert it to JS.

With a bit of effort I managed to find this library: https://github.com/Turfjs/turf. Which seems to have decent support and relatively recent activity. Through its documentation it seems quite straightforward to use, at least for my needs for sure.

Environment Variables

This requires 3 environment variables to be able to work:

  • VUE_APP_FOURSQUARE_ID - Foursquare's API Client ID
  • VUE_APP_FOURSQUARE_SECRET - Foursquare's API Client Secret

These can be injected in the app through an .env or .env.local file. There is an .env.sample in the project that can be renamed and the values can be changed there.

It is important that the variables start with the prefix VUE_APP_, otherwise they won't be picked up by the build and injected into the app through Webpack's DefinePlugin feature. More info about this here.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint